Chapter 18: What Happened to Aunt Flo?

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Weeks passed, the couple was back home and working again. They both stayed at each other's place. It was rare that they didn't spend the night together, whether it were at her place, or his. For the most part, they spent the nights at his place. It was easier for him with Dodger and she loved being around his family. Her friends and family often called her, Emily, her best friend called nearly three to four times a week for gossip. Amelia told her everything. From their dates to their normal days and even their sex life. She had told her everything from the night of their anniversary, unable to keep it in. Emily supported her friend, happy she had finally found a good guy.

Amelia came home from work, Chris unable to pick her up that day due to a meeting. She smiled seeing her cozy little apartment, not having been there for nearly the whole week. Her phone buzzed, catching her attention as she flopped onto the couch. She looked at the notification on her lock screen, eyes widening in terror. 'You're late! Has your period started?' her health app notification read. She immediately sat up, opening the health app and quickly checked the day of her last period, 33 days ago. "What? No. I was supposed to get it last week!?!" She cried out to herself. "Oh my god!!! No! No! No! This can't be happening! I'm on birth control!" She continued, quickly calling Shanna.

"Hey! Is Chris there?" She asked as soon as Shanna greeted her. "Yea, he's here. He's in a meeting. Want me to tell him you called?" Shanna questioned. "NO!" Amy quickly blurted out. "No, don't tell him I called." She clarified. "Amy, did you guys have an argument?" She sighed softly. "No, no. Nothing like that. I-i, I uh.. I need a favor but he CANNOT know. Please." Amelia begged, hoping she'd help. "Yes, of course. What do you need?" Shanna somewhat hesitated but they had grown close over the past year. "I-" She paused, "I'm late. I- Can you run to the store and get me a few tests?" Amy anxiously stuttered out. A scream blasted through the other end of the phone, Amelia pulling the phone from her ear. "Sorry, sorry! I thought there was a bug on me." She heard Shanna say faintly. "Oh girl, sorry. I couldn't contain it and everyone bursted through my door. Are you serious though?! Oh my god!!!" Shanna cried out excitedly. "Yea, please. Can you bring them?!" Amelia worried, not wanting anyone to find out until she knew for sure.

Nearly an hour later, Shanna knocked on Amy's door. Amelia quickly opened it and let her in. "Here, I got 3 different tests, 2 of each." She said, handing Amy 6 tests. "Ugh, thank you! I owe you one!" She sighed in relief. "Yea, yea. Now go take them!! I need to know if I'm gonna be an aunt again!" Amelia nodded and rushed to the bathroom. She quickly peed in a cup, wet the sticks and laid them on the sink and started a timer. She rushed out of the bathroom, her nerves getting the better of her. Shanna picked up on her tense body language, her face showing a worry. "Do... Do you not want a baby?" She asked. Amelia turned quickly to look at her and began to pace. "I do! Being a mother has always been a dream of mine but we've only been dating for over a year. I had a whole plan. Date, marry, THEN baby." She emphasized. "And we haven't even touched the topic of kids. I know he wants some but what if he doesn't want them right now, or, or, what if he doesn't want them with me!?" She rambled on while pacing. Shanna quickly stopped her, holding her hands. "Amelia, I know my brother, and trust me when I say that he definitely wants kids. And I know that if he has them with you, he'd become the happiest man on Earth." She explained. Amelia's eyes teared up, sighing in relief. "You really think so?" Shanna smiled and nodded in return.

The alarm on her phone went off. "Oh god." She whined softly, still nervous about it all. Truth was, she had mixed feelings about having a baby right now. She wanted one, but at the same time she didn't. "Can you go with me?" She asked Shanna, wanting some moral support. Shanna nodded and walked with her to the bathroom. Amelia looked at the sink, taking a deep breath and looked at the tests. Test 1: Positive. Test 2: Positive. Test 3: Positive. Test 4: Positive. Test 5: Positive. Test 6: Positive. Amelia gasped, covering her mouth right away. Tears began streaming down her face. "I'm going to be a mom!" She sobbed excitedly. Shanna's eyes quickly teared from excitement, jumping in and hugging her tightly. "Congratulations!!! You guys are going to be excellent parents!" Shanna spoke between tears. "Please don't tell anyone until I tell him first. I want to surprise him. His birthday is in 2 weeks. That'll give me enough time to prepare a box or a little something for him." Shanna nodded rapidly, agreeing to keep the secret. "Thank you! I couldn't have done this without you today!" Amelia thanked, hugging her once again.

A few days passed by quickly, Amelia finally finding the courage to ask him how he felt about kids. "Oh!! Did I tell you Clarice is pregnant?!" She made up, trying to get a conversation started to not bring it out of the blue. "Bandit's owner?" Chris asked. "Yea! I'm so happy for them!" She cheered. "That's amazing, tell her congratulations on my part." Chris spoke. Amelia nodded, glancing at Shanna on the other couch in the living room. Shanna got her queue, quickly butting in. "Speaking of babies, when are you two gonna have some?" She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows at her. She knew her brother wanted kids, but she also knew Amelia needed a peace of mind and had to have a conversation with him about it. Amelia blushed lightly, despite knowing she was already expecting, it still caused butterflies in her stomach just to think about it. Chris glanced at Amelia and then over at Shanna. "We actually haven't had that conversation. Plus she's on birth control." He explained. "Well, do you want kids?" Amelia asked him, looking up at her as she had her head rested on his shoulder. "Of course, I do. I want so many of them." Chris smiled, looking down at her. "Do you?" He asked, Amelia smiled in response and nodded. "I definitely do." They pecked each other's lips happily, Amelia feeling so much better about it now.

"Yea, whatever. So WHEN, will you guys be having some?" Shanna continued to get as much information out of him as she could to help Amy. "I- I guess whenever. I mean, if i were to have one now i wouldn't oppose it." Amelia spoke, trying to see what he'd say about it. "I wouldn't mind having one either." Amelia quietly sighed in relief and kissed him. "Well, guess we'll be having the whole kid conversation soon then. I'd have to ask my doc about stopping the birth control." She played it off, Chris smiled and nodded, kissing her forehead happily. Amelia glanced at Shanna, smiling to thank her. Shanna smiled back and continued watching the movie as if nothing had just happened.

During the next week, Amelia headed to the doctors office for blood work just to confirm she really was pregnant. The result came in within the hour. "Looks like you'll be having a little one soon! You're about 3 weeks pregnant." Amelia smiled, instinctively placing a hand over her stomach. "Thank you! Oh my god, he's gonna be so happy!" She spoke, standing from the chair to hug the doctor. "Congratulations Amelia." The doctor spoke. He had seen Amelia grow from a child to a young adult and now an independent young lady, ready to be a mother. "You take care now. Ill see you in a few weeks for your first appointment." He said, patting her shoulder. "Of course! Thank you Dr. Martin!" She chirped, rushing out of the office after setting up her next appointment. 

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