Chapter 21: The Big Announcement

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A/N: Welcome back all! Hope you had wonderful holidays!

Amelia was now 8 weeks pregnant and things were going smoothly. Rumors had started flowing around about a possible pregnancy. News articles, talk shows and other media constantly talked about the rumors. Talk show hosts did the impossible to have the couple talk about the rumors. Although Chris and Amy were overly excited about their bundle of joy, they wanted to keep the news private for just a while longer. They wanted to enjoy the surprise before the whole world knew.

The pair visited her gynecologist once again. Her doctor measured the baby, confirming she was about 8 weeks. "Be sure to take it easy, keep the stress to the minimum and take your prenatal vitamins." The doctor spoke. "Your baby is looking strong and healthy. We'll be able to find out the baby's sex in about a month" he smiled, happy for the couple. "Thank you!" Amelia smiled excitedly as the doctor wiped off the lube from her stomach. "I'll have a print out of the ultrasound for you in a few minutes if you'd like to get cleaned up in the meantime" he replied. She nodded softly, Chris smiling softly as he held Amelia's hand. The doctor headed out, Chris helping Amy clean up the remaining jelly and tossing the paper towels in the trash. He helped her off the table and onto her feet. She smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek before fixing her shirt. "Love you" Chris spoke in a gentle tone. Amelia wrapped her arms around him, "Love you too" she responded as their lips met for a quick kiss.

The doctor came back in minutes later with an envelope and paper. He handed the envelope with the ultrasound photograph over to them before holding up the paper. "These are the vitamins I recommend you take, if you'd like, we can have the pharmacy ship it to an address of your choosing so that you don't have to go to the pharmacy. I know you guys are trying to keep the pregnancy private for now." He explained. "Thanks doc." Chris replied, taking the paper and shaking his hand as they were led out of the room. Amelia held Chris's hand as he walked her out of the office and over to his car. "Ugh, this all feels like a dream." Amelia chirped out once they were heading home. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a mom," she continued. "And!!! My baby daddy is a freaking celebrity." Amelia laughed softly. Chris chuckled at her comment. "Well maybe it's a dream come true, cuz it's definitely happening" He spoke, glancing over at her. She looked over at him, smiling softly as she reached over to hold his hand. She curled her legs up on the seat, resting her head on his shoulder. She couldn't believe what her life had become. From a shy, quiet girl with no friends but Clarice and bandit to becoming a mother with none other than Chris Evans himself being the father of her child. She sighed happily, closing her eyes as she relaxed as they headed home.

A few days had passed and Chris had been scheduled onto Jimmy Kimmel's show. The couple spoke beforehand and gave in, the rumors would finally be confirmed. Kimmel welcomed Chris onto the set, the audience clapped excitedly as he took a seat. The two spoke about his upcoming movie and the role he would be playing in it. After a while of discussing the movie, Kimmel finally led the conversation into his personal life with Amelia.

"So many of your fans want to know what it's like to finally be in a relationship again?" Kimmel spoke. Chris chuckled and nodded, "it's amazing. Amelia's absolutely amazing. I will admit, I have never fallen in love so hard as with her. She makes my day brighter without even trying," Chris replied, speaking from the heart. Kimmel and the audience applauded at his heartfelt words. "And are the rumors true? Are you guys expecting a child?" Kimmel asked, wanting to see if he could get the truth out of him once and for all. Chris laughed and shook his head. "You guys are never gonna let this go will you?" He questioned. "Nope!" Kimmel replied quickly.

Chris took a deep breath, exhaling before nodding. "Well, the rumors are true. We are expecting a baby" he announced. The audience went wild. From screaming to clapping, cheering happily for Chris. "Your dream of being a father is finally coming true!" Kimmel smiled, hugging Chris to congratulate him. "It is, it is. And I couldn't have picked a better woman to help me with that dream" he spoke.

Jimmy Kimmel finally concluded the interview with Chris. Chris smiled, waved goodbye to the audience and walked off stage and headed home once production excused him. Amelia welcomed him in his Hollywood home. She hugged him happily, his words made her feel special and loved like no other. "Hey, sweetheart" Chris chuckled out as he hugged her in return, pecking her lips. "You were so sweet" she cried out tears of joy. "I meant every word I said. I was sweating bullets though. I was so nervous to announce our baby" Chris laughed nervously. "Oh my god, I was nervous for you too. I couldn't keep my legs from bouncing!!" Amelia laughed softly. "I'm just glad we got that out of the way, we can finally relax a bit" she added. "Me too" Chris spoke, kissing her lips once again.

The couple headed over to the dining room. Amelia served Chris some lasagna she had made while he was on the talk show. She soon served herself some and joined him at the table. They both washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen once they were done and headed off to bed. They cuddled up to one another, Chris rubbing his head gently on her stomach, falling asleep with a smile on his face. Amelia placed her hand over his, happy as ever. Chris being happy about the pregnancy brought her so much joy that she too fell asleep with a smile.

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