Chapter 31: A Morning of Passion

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A/N: This chapter has mature, 18+ content. If you are under the age of 18, please skip this chapter, thank you. Readers discretion is advised. 

For an optimum reading experience, play "Go Fuck Yourself" By Two-Feet on a low volume when the 3 asterisk (***) appears in the story.  Enjoy! <3

Amelia woke up the next morning, wrapped in her beloved boyfriend's arms. A smile played on her lips as she looked over her shoulder at him, her body slowly following and turning, careful not to wake him. She admired his features, every one of them beautiful, almost as if they were hand crafted by a god. His beautiful, long lashes. His soft and fluffy hair, perfect to run her fingers though. His scruffy beard that looked so perfect on his jaw. His pink, plump lips, perfect for kissing and biting. His cute nose, perfect eyebrows, cute little ears with a touch of hot pink at the tips. His face was gorgeous and she could easily watch him sleep for hours. She sighed happily, carefully planting a kiss on his forehead before slowly getting up.

***She had slept in his dress shirt that he had worn the night before, its fabric soft as silk and full of his delicious smell. She rolled up the sleeves as she headed into the kitchen, making him some eggs, pancakes and bacon. She squealed and jolted as she felt arms wrap around her waist. The scare was quickly turned into joy as she saw him rest his chin on her shoulder as he hugged her from behind. "Morning!" She chirped as she batted the pancake batter. "Morning." Chris chuckled softly, his voice sexily groggy. "You hungry?" She asked, glancing over at him. He turned his head slightly, smiling and pecking her on the lips. His smile quickly turned into a smirk as his lips traveled down to her neck after he nodded and hummed a yes. Amelia bit her lip at the unexpected affection, tilting her head instinctively to give him more access to her neck. She set the bowl of batter down on the counter, pushing it away from the edge, remaining perfectly still for him. Chris slid one of his hands down her body, reaching the end of his shirt. His palm pressed against her thigh, brushing it upwards, the shirt hiking up with his hand. Amelia smiled and closed her eyes, his touch was ever so gentle which only aroused her even more. Chris reached her underwear, hooking a finger in the waistband, pulling and releasing, letting the band snap against her skin. She quickly gasped, his eyes opening wide as she looked over his shoulder at him. "Ow!" Chris chuckled at her words, kissing her shoulder gently.

His hand found itself back on her body, exploring her soft skin. It traveled to the front of her lower belly, slipping his fingers under the waistband. Amelia bit her lip and gripped the countertop's edge. Her eyes closed, enjoying his touch. Chris reached under, his fingers parting her labia, and naturally, her legs as well. He reached over with his free hand, turning the stove off and returning his attention to her, all while keeping his hand in her panties. His gentle touch aroused her, his fingers rubbing against her clit as if he were playing a musical instrument with her body. She hummed softly, her head went back, resting itself on his shoulder as she relaxed on him with her eyes closed happily. Chris smirked, watching her reactions. He once again began kissing her neck, his free hand holding onto her stomach. Her jaw parted as she gasped softly, his middle finger finding its way inside of her. She soon lifted her head, releasing the counter top and took his hand out of her underwear. She turned to look at him, pecked him on the lips and led him over to the bedroom.

Once there, she placed him in front of the bed and pushed him on it. Chris grunted lightly as he landed onto the bed, Amelia quickly straddling him before he had time to move. She sat on his lower abdomen, watching him as she slowly, teasingly began to unbutton the shirt she was wearing. His eyes remained glued onto her as she let the shirt fall off of her shoulders, revealing her bare body. She leaned down, pressing a hand on his chest as she began to kiss him, moving her hips against him. Chris moaned softly, his hands gripping her waist, and in a swift motion, flipped them to put himself on top. "Hey!" Amelia whined with a laugh. Chris chuckled softly, pecking her lips and pulling her panties off, leaving her completely naked. His lips left a trail of kisses from her lips down to her navel. Her body squirmed underneath him as he got closer and closer to her private area. His lips formed a smirk, eventually reaching her pussy. His hands grabbed her thighs, spreading her legs apart as he went down to devour his breakfast. His tongue flicked her clitoris before sliding down and slithering into her canal. Amelia's jaw dropped and eyes closed as her head pressed against the bed and her back arched, her moans soft. He released one of her thighs, using his thumb to rub her clit while he ate her out, causing her moans to get a little bit louder. "Baby." She whined, feeling herself getting close to an orgasm. "C-Chris!" She moaned loudly, her body giving in and quickly climaxing. She clenched the sheets below her, her body melting like goo as she relaxed and the climax faded away.

His head rose, licking his lips as he looked down at the mess he created. Amelia looked at him with weak eyes and a weak smile, "fuck me!" Chris smirked devilishly at her words, "As you wish." He rose to his knees, pulling down his boxers and went down to hover over her body. He guided his shaft in as his lips met hers. Moans and groans from both parties broke the silence in the room. His thrusts started off gently, slowly beginning to pick up speed and force as seconds passed. He placed his hand above her shoulder onto the bed, while the other grabbed her left thigh up against his body. Their tongues danced in each other's mouths. Her walls clenching and releasing against his large shaft. Chris soon let go of her thigh and once again, reached down between her legs. His middle and ring fingers slid in above his shaft, tapping at her g-spot while his thumb pressed and rubbed her clit. Amelia whined against his lips, her arousal was over the top and before she knew it, an orgasm sucked the soul right out of her. She gasped for air while he continued his thrusts. Her walls tightened around him and he immediately picked up the pace, getting rougher with her. He felt the pressure building up, grunting with each thrust. A few seconds later, Chris released himself inside of her, his forehead pressed against her bare chest as he moaned happily.

He remained still for a while, his body slowly lowering itself over hers until he was laying on her. Both laid there, trying their best to catch their breath. Amelia smiled, looking down at him while she brushed her fingers through his hair. Chris smiled softly with his eyes closed, enjoying his little reward of hair play. He eventually looked up at her, and both smiled at each other. He chuckled softly and leaned in to peck her lips before groaning as he lifted his body slightly, pulled himself out of her and pushed himself off and rolled over next to her. Amelia gasped slightly at the feeling of him pulling out before turning over to look at him. "Love you." She laughed softly. "Love you too." He chuckled in response. She kissed his forehead and got up. She cleaned herself up and quickly returned to bed, cuddling up against his chest with his big, beefy arms wrapped around him, both of them knocking out shortly after. 

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