Chapter 39: Dodger Gets A Sibling

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During their honeymoon week, the 2 did various activities, most of which were in their bed, exploring each other's bodies. Within a blink of an eye, they concluded their week with one last dinner. They packed up that night and headed for the airport. Amelia looked over at Chris as they sat in their plane seats. a genuine smile displayed on her face. "What is it?" He asked as soon as he noticed. Her cheeks reddened with a simple nod of her head. "I just love you so much." she said softly. Chris gave a smile and a gentle peck to her lips. "And I love you so much too." She rested her head on his shoulder and before they knew it, their plane took off. They slept the majority of the flight due to how exhausted they were. Once they arrived they were greeted by Scott who drove them home. At home they were eagerly greeted by Dodger, who as much as he loved Uncle Scott, he couldn't wait til his parents got home.

A month quickly passed by and the couple resumed their usual work activities. Amelia felt her body different, perhaps she hadn't rested properly from her little vacation, or perhaps her body was still trying to get back into her normal routine, either way, she shrugged it off and went on with her life. Another week passed and Chris was off filming in Canada. Amelia still felt different, to the point where it kinda scared her. "Hey Clarice," she whispered softly, catching her friends attention. "Can we talk real quick?" Clarice nodded and both ventured off into the break room. "I need you to calm me down cuz it's probably just me being weird but I've been feeling so tired lately and..." she began, tears pooling her eyes. "Hey, hey. What's going on? Did something happen?!" Clarice asked in concern. "No. No, it's just that i just feel so tired, my body feels so gross and heavy, I've been crying so often lately. My bladder, it wont give me a break. And I don't know what's going on?" Amelia explained to the best of her ability through tears. Clarice gave a soft chuckle and shook her head. "Babe, have you taken a test?" Amelia looked at her confused, not registering what she meant. "A pregnancy test." Clarice clarified. "You're clearly hormonal, You're fatigued, you mentioned you peeing 24/7." Amelia's eyes widened, "what? No I'm on birth control and..." she spoke, trying to dismiss that option.

The two talked a bit longer, Amy like a stubborn mule who didn't want to believe she was pregnant due to fear of losing another piece of her, and Clarice, trying so hard to convince her to take a test just to be safe. And like in most occasions, Clarice won and off they went after work to the store. They headed over to Amy's house where she quickly ran to the bathroom to take the test considering how badly she had to pee at this time. Clarice patted Dodger outside in Amy's bedroom. "You might be a big brother Dodger, you excited? Yea, yes you are." Clarice baby talked him. After what felt like an eternity, Amelia came out of the bathroom bawling her eyes out, showing her friend a positive test. Clarice quickly blurted out a scream and hugged her friend, congratulating her. "Thank you!" Amy cried excitedly, "oh i can't believe it. Im so scared yet so excited and happy and so many mixed emotions." Clarice gave a soft, concerned smile. "Hun, everything will come out good. I know it. You have both been waiting so eagerly for this baby? Your baby will be the healthiest cutie, and you guys will raise it and spoil it so much. You're both gonna be such great parents." Amelia cried harder at her friend's words and hugged her once again, tightly. These words only reassured Amelia, all she wanted was to never to go through the pain they both went through last time.

The following weekend, Amelia dashed to a nearby printing store, ordering a custom bandana for Dodger. "Yes, rushed please." The employee nodded and quickly got to work and within the hour, Amy received a call that her order was ready. Amelia picked it up and raced home, trying to get there before Chris. She set out a few baby clothes on the coffee table in their living room and slipped the bandana onto Dodgers collar. He wore it proudly, prancing around with it dangling from his neck. She smiled and looked at her arrangements and clapped excitedly. An hour went by and she heard a faint sound of a car. She ran over to the window and peaked out seeing his car. "Dodger, go, go! Daddy's home!" She said as they both ran down the hall and down the stairs. They ran into the living room, Dodger being a good boy and following her excitedly. "No, no. Go meet Daddy at the do-" she said, going quiet as she heard the door open around the corner. Dodgers ears perked and off he went to greet him.

"Hey, bubba!" Chris spoke, kneeling down to greet his dog. His eyebrows furrowed seeing the bandana. "Big brother?" Chris questioned, assuming Amy got another dog. His eyes widened, noticing the detail under the words. "Coming May 20XX" with 2 footprints next to it. "Amelia!!!" He yelled out, quickly setting his things down and turning the small wall to the living room. He immediately froze seeing her standing there with the baby onesies and binkie laying on the table. "Are you serious?" He asked, his eyes instantly watering. Her eyes watered as well as she nodded, her hands over her mouth. Tears poured onto his cheeks as he rushed over to her, embracing her into his arms. He slid down her body and ended up on his knees, hugging her body as he rested his head on her stomach. Amelia cried and ran her fingers through his hair, smiling as she saw how excited he was for the news. He looked up at her and asked once again, "are you serious? You're pregnant?" She gave off a giggle and nodded. "Were pregnant. Were gonna have a baby!" She spoke. He stood back up and quickly kissed her. "Best news I've come home to." He chuckled. "I honestly thought we were getting a new puppy until I saw the little feet on his bandana, '' he laughed. Amelia laughed with him and shook her head. "As much as id love another pup, i think i want this baby more." She spoke. Chris nodded in agreement as he petted the very excited Dodger. "Me too." 

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