Chapter 20: Fairgrounds

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A/N:  Hey all! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I do apologize for the absence. My old phone was giving out on me often and had to delete loads of apps due to storage being low. Once of those apps being google docs which I used to write. Due to this, I was unable to work on anything new for you guys. I recently got a new phone and redownloaded docs so I hope to start writing for you guys again. That being said, important holidays (Christmas/New Years) for me are coming up so "The One and Only" is going on a short hiatus. I hope to have a new chapter for you guys in January! I wont give a specific day as life happens and we never know what will get in the way, but hopefully around the middle of the month. 
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday/time. See you all soon! <3

Weeks had passed, Chris happier than ever. He would always rub Amelia's stomach, talk to it and kiss it. He already loved that little bun in the oven. Amelia's heart warmed up any time he'd interact with her stomach one way or another. Chris wasn't the only one to cling to her though. Dodger constantly followed her around, at times, laying his head on her stomach, sometimes even licking it when she had her belly uncovered. Stella was the third to cling to Amy. She would follow her around any time she could. If one didn't know any better, one would think Amelia was her mom. Luckily, neither Carly nor Amelia minded Stella's clinginess. She had gotten so close and clingy, she would often go to Chris's room for Amelia whenever she had a nightmare. Of course, she'd crawl into bed with them and cuddle up to Amy happily, forcing the couple to sleep apart as she chose to sleep in the middle of them every time.

Chris woke up as the morning sky brightened the room. He yawned softly, looking over at Amelia sleeping, soon noticing a little lump in the middle. He peeked under the covers, smiling seeing Stella wrapped in her arms. He brushed the stray hairs out of Stella's face, uncovering her face while she slept. He leaned over, planting a kiss on Amy's cheek before getting up. Dodger laid happily asleep against Amelia's back. Both him and Stella sandwiched Amy. Chris put on a shirt and headed out of the room.

"Is Stella back in your room?" Carly asked as Chris served himself some cereal. "Yea. Her and Dodger are glued to her." He chuckled softly, taking his bowl to the table where his sister and mom sat. "You can always take her back to her room if she bothers you guys. I don't want her getting in the way of you guys." His sister spoke, Chris immediately shaking his head in rejection. "No, it's fine. I don't think she bothers either of us. Besides, I might as well get used to it cuz this is how it'll be in a few months." Chris laughed softly, his sister and mom laughing along with him.

Moments later Dodger, Stella and Amelia came out of the bedroom. Chris smiled softly looking at the inseparable trio. "Morning" she greeted groggily, waving at everyone. Everyone greeted her back with a smile. Chris stood and kissed her lips, "what do you want for breakfast?" He asked her. "Oh it's ok, I'll get cereal in a bit." She yawned softly. "Go sit down, go get it for you." Chris soon went and served her a bowl, setting it in front of her. "Thank you!" She smiled softly and quickly began to eat as he sat beside her. Once she was finished she turned to look at Carly. "Hey, we noticed the fair came to town last week. Would you be ok if we took the kids? If they want to go, that is." She asked her, Chris and Amelia, to talk about it the night before. Carly laughed softly and nodded, "of course! Are you guys practicing for when the baby comes already?" Chris laughed and nodded. "No, well sorta. It would be good practice but we did want to go since they had announced it was coming. We just figured why not take the kids too." He spoke. Carly nodded, happily letting them take the kids for the evening. She liked that Amelia included them in her life, especially now that she was expecting her own. Most would not bother dealing with kids that aren't theirs, but Amy was different and loved spending time with them.

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