Chapter 9: Emerging Feelings

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Days came and went, turning into weeks and months. Chris visited her almost daily the first week, slowing down to 1-2 times a week for the rest of the few months. The drama dying down with the days that strolled along as time passed.

Chris arrived at the apartments on a Friday afternoon, picking up the fake rock in the small succulent plant right outside her front door. He picked out the spare key, heading inside after unlocking the door and placing the key back. He invaded her apartment as if it were his own. He released Dodgers leash, letting him roam as he had already been there before. Amelia was completely fine with both of them coming over whenever they pleased.

He kicked his shoes off, placing them by the door as he walked over to the kitchen to raid it. "Amelia, sweetheart, you just made me the happiest man on Earth!" He spoke to himself, finding loads of sweets in one of the cabinets. He pulled out some fun sized chocolate bars, popping them into his mouth as fast as he unwrapped them. He soon took out a pack of gummy bears and went to lay on the couch. He ate freely, scrolling through his phone as he waited for her. Dodger soon found his way over to Chris, laying himself down onto his chest.

Fifteen minutes went by and Dodger sprung from his chest, making Chris groan as he hopped off. He ran to the door and sat, wagging his tail rapidly. The sound of a key being inserted into the lock caught both of their attention. Amelia walked in shortly after, Dodger quickly jumping at her to welcome her home. "Oh! Hey baby!!" She chirped, closing the door behind her and got down on her knees to properly greet him. Chris smiled, watching them as he lounged on the couch. "Hey doof!" Amelia greeted Chris with the nickname she had given him a few weeks back. He waved and smiled, chewing on the bears. She stood up, looking over at his side to see the big bag of gummies. "I see you found my stash." she laughed, hanging her keys on the hook by the door. She sat her purse and a few bags on the little entryway table by her door. She pulled her coat off, tossing it onto him. She rubbed her hands, trying to warm herself up as the weather got colder by the day.

"Yup! Better luck hiding them next time." He smirked, placing a few more into his mouth. She rolled her eyes at him, going over and reaching into the bag to eat some too. She soon walked to the kitchen, opening her fridge to see what she had. "Oh!" She called out, going back to the tiny table, pulling out a plastic job of jelly beans. "I came bearing gifts." She laughed, seeing his eyes widen with excitement. It was like love at first sight with the container. She handed it over to him, trading it with the gummy bears as he quickly dived into the beans. "God, you're awesome! Thanks Tiny." He teased, knowing she was annoyed at their height difference because Chris always managed to keep something from her above his head where she couldn't reach.

"Keep it up and ill take them away." She warned playfully. "I'd like to see you try!" He challenged. "Christopher! I won the last time you challenged me. Don't test me!" She laughed, pointing at him. She was a lot shorter than him, but she always put up a good fight. He smirked as he stood, walking up to her with his chest puffed out, making himself look bigger than what he already was. "What are you gonna do about it?" He growled out, trying to act all bad. Amelia smacked his stomach lightly , causing him to hunched over ever so slightly in an attempt to cover himself. She smirked back, looking up at him, soon sticking her tongue out at him. Dodger's eyes dashed from one person to the other, his tail dragging across the floor behind him as he watched the two act like children.

They stared each other in the eyes, their gazes softening slowly. Before they knew it, they were looking at each other lovingly. Amelia nudged him playfully, breaking the stare, walking off to go change. Chris smiled, watching her venture off into her room. He sat back down on the couch, popping some more jelly beans into his mouth. Dodger followed after her, making Chris a little jealous. He quickly realized his emotions, trying to shake them off as he grew a bit confused. He wasn't sure what he was feeling or why.

Amelia and Dodger emerged from the room moments later. She now wore some sweats and a baggy long sleeve t-shirt. She went into the kitchen, pulling out some ingredients after grabbing the bags on the entryway table. "Chicken Alfredo sound good?" She asked loudly, knowing he planned on staying longer than usual since he had brought Dodger along. She didn't mind them staying, in fact, she loved when they stayed late because she enjoyed the company. "Oh yum!" He stood, quickly going into the kitchen to help her. He looked her up and down, unable to control his eyes. Her now skinny but curvy body hid under the over sized clothing. Over the months, Amelia managed to shave off the excess weight. Her stomach shrunk, now laying flat. Her figure was more of an hourglass rather than a rectangle and she absolutely loved it. And apparently, so did Chris.

He quickly jumped in to help, cooking the chicken as she prepared the pasta and sauce. He mixed them both together while she had gone to set up the table. After a good 25 minutes, they both finished their plates of food. "Ugh that was great, thank you!" He said softly, rubbing his stomach. Dodger still gobbling down his own food close by. Amelia nodded as she stood, removing the plates from the table and went to wash them. "Board games or a movie?" She asked him. They had built a routine for when he visited. They either made dinner or ordered take out, they would eat and then play a few board games or watch a movie, rarely ever doing both. "Let's do a puzzle. We haven't done one of those in a while. Then we can watch a movie." He responded, going over to the little hallway cabinet to look through the puzzles, eventually picking one and taking it over to the coffee table. He spread the pieces apart, sitting on the floor. Amelia finished up the dishes and went over to sit across from him, both beginning the puzzle.

Chris caught himself staring at her from time to time. 'What the hell is going on with me?!?!' he thought to himself, doing his best to keep himself focused on the puzzle. 

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