Chapter 35: Home

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A few days had passed and word about them getting engaged had spread like wildfire. Fans celebrated Chris finally finding someone and settling down, others threw a fit and did their best to bash Amelia, who at this point, couldn't care less about his fans opinions. She loved Chris and no one would be able to tear them apart. The couple spent most of their free time together, sleeping at each other's places.

"Ok, so I have one more surprise for you." Chris spoke as they cuddled in bed during the morning. "Another one? You've already proposed, what else is there to do?" She questioned. "You'll see," he smirked, "come on, go get ready." He added, patting her thighs before getting up. He walked over to her closet where he had some spare clothes, putting on some jeans and a t-shirt. Amelia watched him get dressed, biting her lip subtly. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." He chuckled after noticing her. She laughed and shook her head, getting up and heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

Both finished getting ready and headed out to his car, hopping in and began driving towards his family's house. Amelia noticed they drove past the house, "babe, you just passed your house!" She laughed, assuming he wasn't paying attention. "I know." He replied, "oh?" Amy only grew more confused, not sure where they were going. After driving a few blocks, Chris drove up to an elegant gate, punching in a code that opened up the gate. The doors swung open slowly, allowing Chris to drive in. "Uh.... Where are we?" she asked, "how do you know the code to this place? Is this place yours?" He laughed and shook his head as he drove up the driveway. "Would you stop asking questions?" Amy smiled and shook her head, "Nope! You know I ask a million questions." "Yea, ive noticed." He chuckled. He parked the car in front of the house entrance and got out, opening her door for her. She got out and looked up at the big, beautiful, 2 story house. She had never seen a house this big. 'Is this even considered a house? A mansion?' She asked herself.

Her mind quieted down as the tall, wooden doors swung open, a woman walking out. "Mr. Evans, Mrs. Evans, welcome!" The lady greeted and she walked down the steps to greet them. 'Mrs. Evans' those words clung to Amelia's mind like glue. This was the first time she was ever referred to as his wife. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, a blush appearing on her cheeks. "Please, come in." The woman smiled, stepping to the side for them. Chris grabbed Amy by the hand and led her inside. Amy gasped, the house was beautiful inside just as it was outside. "This here is the living room, through there is the dining room and turning left would be the kitchen," the lady explained. The house has white marbled flooring, it was empty for the most part besides some big furniture which included couches, a dining table and a bookshelf among other things. "There are 5 bedrooms and 3 complete baths upstairs, 1 down here including a full bathroom. Downstairs in the basement is the game room as requested, the billiard table, hockey table and arcade games will be delivered the day after tomorrow." She continued. Amy looked over at her confused, "requested?" She asked, looking at Chris for clarification. "Well, I'm tired of going back and forth from place to place to spend the night together, and I know you'd want your own privacy so living at my place would be impossible," he began explaining. "And you'd need your own space to raise our children, so I bought us a house." Amelia's eyes widened, "this is ours? You bought this for us?" She questioned again. "Welcome home, my love." Chris smiled, opening his arms to her. Amelia whimpered happily and rushed into his arms, burying her face in his chest. She peeked her eyes up to look at him after a few seconds, "whatd i do to deserve you?" She asked, pecking his lips happily. Chris pecked back and smiled against her lips, "sweetheart, you deserve this and so much more. I'd give you the world if I could, but just know that I'll do anything in my power to give you everything you need" Amelia shook her head, '' I don't want anything, I have everything I need and that's you." She spoke. The two kissed once more before parting.

"Well, here are the keys, congratulations on your new marriage and your new home. I wish you both the best. Enjoy your new home." The real estate agent spoke. They thanked her, Chris walked her out while Amy stayed in the house. She stood in the middle of the living room, smiling and spreading her arms out, spinning happily. Chris walked in, leaning against the door frame as he watched her. Amelia stopped her spinning and giggled, her excitement for her new home and her new life was too much to keep quiet. "Happy?" He asked, approaching her slowly. "Words can't express how happy I am, baby." She spoke, turning to face him. He extended his hand, Amy taking it with a smile. He spun her around and began a dance with her, she giggled once more, engaging in his dance. Their smiles were bigger than ever, their happiness increased daily.

They parted after a while, and went to explore the empty house. The master bedroom was huge, bigger than her whole apartment. The rooms in the hallway outside of theirs were smaller but still pretty big. Her mind began racing, imagining their future kids rooms, safari themed, princess themed, winnie the pooh, toy story, so many possibilities. She envisioned the kids running around the rooms and the hallway, jumping into their bed in the mornings. "You like it?" Chris interrupted her train of thought. She looked up at him and nodded, "I do, I truly love it, thank you!" She responded. "Good, im glad." He replied. "We finally have a home, our home." She smiled, hugging him once again. Chris kissed the top of her head and nodded, "our home."

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