Chapter 25: Let's Play Catch Up

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A/N: Hey folks! As i mentioned in the update (that has since been deleted), i am terribly sorry for making you all wait for this update. That being said, i do have an important update for you all as well. 
As you may know, there are two chapter 6s (Pt.1 and 2). They will be renamed to be Chapter 6 and Chapter 7, the rest continuing that order as the numbers when uploading new chapters throw me off. 
Im not sure if you get notified when just the chapter name is notified, but in the case that you do. Nothing but the number is being changed so please disregard any update notification from previous chapters :D


Amelia woke up on a Saturday morning to the sun shining through her window. She smiled and stretched with a groan, getting up off the bed and venturing to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, hopped into the shower and enjoyed the fresh water hitting her bare skin. She stepped out and dried herself off. She dressed in a baby pink, thigh length sundress that had a flowery pattern on it. She slipped on some no show socks and some white vans, heading into the living room afterwards to fetch her tote bag and wallet. She smiled and headed over to a nearby café. She decided to walk, even though she had finally learned to drive and get a license and a car a few months ago. She sighed happily, taking a seat on the black metal tables outside the shop after receiving her order. Amy cracked open her book, reading without a care in the world as she nommed on her blueberry muffin and sipped on her delicious hazelnut macchiato.

After about 30 minutes, she closed her book, bundled up the cupcake liner on her muffin and tossed away her trash. She stuffed her book into the black tote bag with sunflower prints on it and went on her merry way. Amy looked over at the park, thinking for a moment before shrugging, padding down the grassy hill. She looked around, spotting a nearby tree that cast a beautiful shadow. At the tree, she sat down, her back against the large trunk and her legs tucked to the side of her comfortably. She dug through her tote and pulled out her book, opening it to where her bright red bookmark lay. She let out a happy sigh as she relaxed, getting lost in the world her book granted access to.

Meanwhile, Chris awoke later than usual. He would have continued sleeping if it weren't for Dodger clawing at the door and whimpering. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He grumbled out, his voice deep and groggy. He got up and got dressed, letting him out to potty in the backyard. Once back inside, Dodger ran to get his leash, dropping it at his feet and barking. "Really, now?" Chris asked, picking up the leash. "Fine! Fine! I hate when you use those eyes on me" He chuckled softly, clipping on the metal hook onto Dodger's collar. Both headed out of the house, Dodger trotting happily as he went from tree to tree, sniffing everything he could. They walked around the block, Chris deciding to keep going seeing all the energy his four-legged friend still had in him.

Dodger tugged on the leash from time to time after sniffing the air. "Stop tugging" Chris said, raising a brow as it was extremely unlike him to tug. More confusion drew to his face after hearing Dodger whimper while giving yet another soft tug. "Dodger no, what's gotten into you?" They both walked through the city streets, Chris trying to figure out what was wrong with Dodger or what he wanted to get at. "Dodge, we can't go to the dog park today bud." He said as they passed by the coffee shop and headed to the park two blocks away. Dodger continued tugging as they were a block away from the park, Chris shaking his head and turning left to start their walk back home. Dodger followed, looking towards the direction of the park, whimpering slightly louder. "Bubba, I know you want to go to the dog park, but we can't today. It's Saturday and they're usually packed on weekends. I'll bring you Monday." Chris said softly, patting Dodger's head. Dodger looked up at him, then at the direction of the park, back up at him, and once more to the park and in one swift motion, the pup had yanked hard. The leash slipped out of Chris's hand and before he knew it, Dodger was running down the sidewalk. "Dodger!! Dodger stop! Heel!" He yelled, chasing after his dog as fast as he could. "Dodger!" Dodger didn't listen, he was park bound and determined to get there. His ears flopping up and down as he ran, swerving through the people around him. "Excuse me, sorry, 'scuse me. Dodger heel! Sorry, 'scuse me." Chris called, swerving around the people as well.

Dodger reached the park moments later, Chris still half a block away clearly panicking that his dog, his best friend, ran away. Dodger sniffed the grass, his nose dragging in the earthly green carpet with his tail wagging high in the air like a little flag. "There you are!" Chris called out, stomping on Dodger's leash before he had the chance to run off again. "You don't do that! Bad dog, Dodger." Chris said firmly, picking up the leash from under his foot. "Come on, we're going home." Chris began walking off, only to get stopped by a tug. He turned, noticing Dodger standing still with his tail wagging softly. "Dodger, I seriously don't know what's gotten into you today. This is so not you. Come!" Dodger quickly went into a bow, panting playfully. "No, I'm not falling for it. Home, let's go!" He dragged the pup along, Dodger pulling against his owner. Chris sighed in relief feeling the leash go limp. "Was it so hard to listen the first ti-" Chris's eyes widened at the sight of Dodgers collar on the floor, but no sign of the dog. "Dammit Dodger!" Chris called out, seeing him running in the distance towards the dog park. Chris quickly started after him.

Amelia read quietly, she heard a faint bark but made nothing of it as she focused on her reading. Another bark, closer than before. And another. She looked up, seeing a brown and white fluffy pup charging at her and within a second, the dog was leaping at her, licking her face. "Oh! Oh my god!" She squealed, a hint of a laugh behind it seeing as the dog was no harm. She pushed the dog off and laughed, wiping her face. She peeked her eyes open, seeing the lovable beast before her. "Dodger!?" She asked, confused. Chris ran up to them in a pant. Amelia immediately froze as she saw him standing in front of her. "I'm so sor...ry." Chris said, halfway his mouth no longer cooperating to finish the sentence because of the surprise he was receiving. Amelia's lips curled into a soft smile, seeing his handsome features once again. "Hey." She said softly, looking up at him. "Hi." Chris said softly, his body still in shock, unable to move. He finally snapped out of it, "I- I'm so sorry. We were walking and he just ran away." He said, apologizing sincerely for the interruption, kneeling down to latch Dodgers collar back on him, tightening it just a bit to avoid him escaping again. "It's ok, you don't have to apologize," Amy replied, her cheeks rosy hue as she closed her book, standing up and dusting herself off. Dodger wagged his tail, looking at the two back and forth. Chris stood back up, Dodger sitting in front of Amy. She giggled softly and squatted down, tucking her dress between her legs, careful not to show her panties to the world, as she pet the four legged cutie. Chris kept quiet, watching them interact as he wasn't sure what to say or do. Amelia took a deep breath, looking up at Chris, "how have you been?" She asked, a sympathetic smile on her face. He gulped lightly, shrugging his shoulders faintly. "I guess I've been ok. You?" Amelia smiled and nodded, "I've been ok too."

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Amelia stood up, turning to face Chris. "I saw your movie, it was good." She complimented, not sure what else to say to avoid the awkward silence they had just experienced. "Oh, thank you." Chris replied, leaning down to pet Dodger. Amy sighed quietly, feeling as if he wasn't really interested in having a conversation. "I should let you go, it was nice seeing you," She paused, looking down at Dodger. "And you too, you cutie pie." She added, kissing the pup on the forehead before going to gather her things. She placed her totes strap on her shoulder and gave an awkward wave before walking away. Chris watched her go, he wanted to chase after her, stop her and kiss her, but his body was unresponsive. Instead, he just listened to Dodger's whimpers while watching her disappear into the distance. 

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