Chapter 19: Happy Birthday, Daddy!

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A/N: Hey all! So just wanted to update you. New chapters will be taking a while. Life is getting pretty busy for me and I am getting over time with work due to needing money for the holidays. I appreciate all of your patience and I really hope you're like the story so far. Happy holidays and see you soon!!! 

During the next week, Amelia had prepared a small box for Chris's birthday. The box contained a pinned onesie, a pacifier, a small beanie and some baby shoes along with one of her pregnancy tests. The little rubber ducky onesie had cute lettering that read 'Happy Birthday, Daddy! I can't wait to meet you!' With the date of March 2022 under it. Amelia taped the box and added a ribbon to keep it shut, excited to give it to him later that day. She wished him a happy birthday over a phone call, letting him know she'd be over at his house later.

"I'll pick you up. Just let me know when you're ready." Chris spoke over the phone. "No, baby. Don't worry about me. I can take the bus. You enjoy your birthday with your family." She dismissed him, not wanting to bother him on his special day. "Sweetheart, you know I don't mind picking you up. Just let me know when you're ready and I'll go get you." He said sternly. "But-" she protested, only getting cut off on the first word she spoke. "It's either I pick you up or I teach you how to drive. I don't want you taking the bus or walking when I'm available." He continued, his tone was firm. "Ok, ok. Sheesh, such a grumpy grandpa." She teased softly, getting a chuckle from him. "Love you." She said lovingly. "Love you too, sweetheart." He responded.

Moments later he had arrived at her apartment to pick her up. She rushed out of the house, making sure to keep the box leveled to avoid everything from moving, although everything was taped down. Chris smiled seeing the gift, "can i open it right now?!" He asked, almost like a kid wanting to open gifts immediately. "No, don't even look at it." She scolded, not wanting him to spoil his own surprise. "And you call me the grumpy grandpa?" He spoke sarcastically, acting offended. "Shush, you get to open it later." She laughed, kissing his lips and hugging him, wishing him a happy birthday. "Thank you, my love." He said softly, kissing her cheek. He soon drove off, heading back to his place.

Once home, they got out and headed inside. Amelia refused to let Chris touch the present knowing he'd try to shake it to get a sense of what was inside. Chris pouted lightly, wanting to guilt trip her. "Keep it up and I'll just return the gift." She laughed, grabbing his chin. Chris laughed and pecked her lips, accepting his defeat. The family did various activities together to celebrate his birthday. Eventually sitting Chris at the table later that afternoon. Lisa brought over a cake, setting it in front of him. "Pictures first, then we sing." She instructed. The family took turns taking pictures with the birthday boy. Lisa and Robert took pictures with their son first, then Carly, her husband and her kids. Next up went Shanna, then Scott. Amelia soon went up, standing beside her boyfriend for a picture.

"Oh, come on! Show some love!!" Scott teased. The family laughed together. Amelia smiled, hugging Chris for a picture, kissing his cheek in another picture. A third picture of them kissing was taken and finally one of them staring lovingly at each other. She soon grabbed Dodger who followed her around like gum stuck on a shoe. She sat him down on a chair she had placed next to Chris, letting them take a picture together. "Amelia, get in there! You're basically his mom now too!" Amelia laughed, accepting the suggestion as Chris nodded in agreement. She stepped behind the two, hugging them as a quick flash lighted the room. "Oh my god! That's so cute!!! My heart!" Shanna cried happily at the sight of the picture. The family took turns seeing it, aweing at it.

They soon sang happy birthday, Chris blowing out the candles shortly after. Scott managed to sneak behind him, pushing his head slightly into the cake after the candles were removed. They all laughed as Chris lifted his face covered in frosting and cake. He quickly grabbed some frosting from his face, smearing it onto Scotts cheek. Laughter filled the room as everyone avoided the two. Amelia screamed with laughter as Chris had gotten a hold of her. She quickly tried squirming out of his hold. Chris laughed and spread frosting onto her cheek. The happy couple quickly kissed, Amelia took the opportunity and spread around the frosting to his forehead just to get revenge. They parted and laughed some more, both of them licking frosting off their lips.

Chris soon cut the cake with Amelia's help, handing them out to everyone. They soon headed over to the bathroom to go wash up. "How dare you get cake on me. What'd I do?!" She laughed softly, rinsing off her cheeks. "You didn't let me open my present earlier." He smirked. "You're such a child!" She laughed, soon drying off her face and helped him wash his face off. He laughed, leaning over the sink as they rinsed him off. Once done, they returned to the dining room and ate some cake with everyone else. They later migrated to the living room to give him presents. Chris sat on the couch alone for pictures and video recording. Stella quickly brought over her present. A paper with a 'happy birthday!' Written on it with a drawing of stick people and a dog. Ethan and Miles had done some similar drawings. Chris thanked all 3 of them for his presents, setting them aside for the next gift. Each family member handed him gifts, Chris thanking them for whatever it was he received.

"One present left." Shanna called out excitedly. Amelia grabbed her box, extremely nervous as the moment had finally arrived. Shanna pulled her phone out, recording it to get the perfect moment of not only Chris's reaction, but the whole family's as well. Amelia sat the box on his lap, kissing him gently. "Don't tilt it. I hope you like it." She said softly, backing away so that she wasn't in the way of the cameras. Chris looked at her nervously, not sure what was in it that couldn't be tilted. He untied the ribbon and began cutting the tape. Slowly opening the box, stopping at it being half opened to where he could see but no one else could. His eyes widened and head shot up to look at her. His family immediately grew confused. "Are you serious?!"His voice cracked, eyes tearing up in an instant which only confused the others more. Amelia got teary eyes seeing his eyes tear up, nodding in joy. Chris set the box down on the side, the lid closing on itself. He quickly covered his face, sobbing in happiness. Amelia scurried over to him, sitting beside him and hugged him. Chris threw his arms around her, burying his face into her shoulder. His dream was finally coming true.

"What is it?!"

"What was the gift?" The family quickly began to interrupt, growing more confused by the second. The couple parted, wiping away their tears before giving each other a kiss. "Show them what it is." Amelia told him, sniffling lightly. Chris grabbed the box, opening it once again as tears streamed down his face. He turned the box, tilting it just a tad to show the family. Lisa and Carly screamed with joy, Shanna was in the back crying while recording. Chris set the box down and stood with Amelia as the family approached to hug and congratulate them. The waterworks were officially released as every woman in the room was crying their eyes out along with Chris. Robert and Scott went teary eyed as well. Once they had hugged everyone, Chris turned to Amelia and quickly went to hug her again. "Thank you. I can't express how happy you just made me." He cried out again. Amelia sniffled again, seeing and hearing her boyfriend cry made her cry, and her hormones already being all over the place didn't help either. They parted just slightly to look at each other, Amelia wiping away the tears on his cheek, kissing him happily. "Happy birthday, daddy to be!" She said happily, resting her palm on his face.

Once the commotion settled down, they began asking questions like how far along she was, how it even happened if she was on birth control, and so many other questions. The couple answered to the best of their ability. "Is that why Dodger and Stella have been following you around non stop these past few weeks?" Chris asked Amelia. "I would guess so, they weren't like this before." She laughed softly.

After the long, eventful day had come to an end, Chris and Amelia headed over to his room to hit the hay. They cuddled up to one another as usual, only this time, Chris rested his hand over her stomach gently with a huge smile on his face. Amelia smiled softly, placing her hand over his, interlocking their fingers happily above her stomach.

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