Chapter 17: A Fun Time

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Amelia woke up the next morning, groaning softly as she shifted a tiny bit. "Ow" she mumbled to herself as she sat up, wincing in pain. Chris remained asleep, his arm flopping off of her when she moved. She uncovered her bare body, stood up slowly and waddled over to the bathroom. She yawned softly and began to brush her teeth while she let the water run to get to the right temperature. Once the shower was just right, she hopped in. She stood under the warm, running water, enjoying the feeling of it hitting her skin. She finished washing her hair and body and stepped out, wrapping a towel around her body after drying herself off. Chris smiled seeing her walking into the bedroom, the smile fading after noticing her walking funny. "You ok?" He asked. She looked up at him and smiled. "A little sore." She laughed softly, Chris laughing along while standing. He went over to her, pecking her lips gently. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." Amelia looked up at him, raising one of her brows sternly. "Don't ever apologize for leaving me sore. Last night was amazing and I don't regret it one bit." He smiled softly, pecking her lips once again before going over to shower himself.

Amelia ordered room service while he showered. The breakfast arrived shortly after he got out. They sat down on the bed and ate quickly as they had a long day ahead of them. They changed into swim clothes after breakfast and headed down to the resort's lobby. Once they got their wrist bands, they headed over to the mud pool area. They were given a key to a private room, giving them 45 minutes to enjoy the mud bath. She quickly undressed herself in the locker rooms, wrapping the towel around her body and walked over to the pool, slowly getting in. The warm, thick mud clung to her skin as she slipped in. The warmth brought her comfort nearly immediately. Chris soon joined her, slipping in next to her, his arms spread out on the pool's walls.

She looked over at him, quickly kissing his cheek. "Thank you!" She said softly, staring into his icy blue eyes. "For what?" He asked with a chuckle. "Everything. Dinner, last night, this, being the best boyfriend ever. All of it." She listed, resting her head onto his shoulder. "Sweetheart, you have nothing to thank me for. Loving you is one of the best decisions of my life. Loving you feels so easy. I should be the one thanking you. Without you, I don't know what I'd do." He spoke, nearly pouring his heart out to her. She looked up at him and smiled. "I love you, baby." She pecked his lips, "I love you too, sweetheart."

Once the time ran out, they moved over to the showers and rinsed their body off, then changed into bathing suits and went into the hot springs with other people. A few stared at them, clearly recognizing Chris but let them be, knowing they had come to relax. After almost 30 minutes, they got out and headed indoors to the massage rooms. The masseuses instructed them to undress and just wrap their towels around their privates, then lay face down on the table. The couple did as they were told. After a few minutes the masseuses returned and began pouring lavender and eucalyptus oils onto their body, beginning the massages. They closed their eyes, enjoying the treatment. After their whole back side was done, they turned over, laying on their backs. A fresh clay mask was rubbed onto their faces. Chris relaxed so much, he began dozing off. Amelia smiled and closed her eyes after seeing him, enjoying the rest of her session.

Once done, they got up and got dressed. Soon heading over to the cafeteria for some food. They gathered their plates and brought them up to the room, turning on a movie to watch while they ate. Amy set her plate over on the table, taking his plate once he had finished and crawled back into bed, quickly cuddling up to him. She smiled softly, pecking his lips repeatedly. Chris chuckled at her actions. She moved to straddle him, pressing one of her hands onto his abs. His hands found their place on her hips as they kissed. She quickly reached down, pulling his pants down to give a teasing stroke to his shaft. Chris hummed out a moan as their lips clashed against each other. She rubbed her thumb against the tip, making sure to tease a little. She had never been this way. Maybe it was the way she was treated in the past but her desires to be fucked until she couldn't walk were basically nonexistent until now. She desperately wanted him.

She parted from his lips, looking at him hungrily as he looked up at her. She moved down, her eyes glued onto his as she ran her tongue from his base up to the tip. Chris quickly bit his lip, watching her quietly. She gave a gentle kiss to his tip before beginning to blow him. He groaned softly, his hand reaching down to grab a fist full of hair. She smirked softly, sucking on his harder, going down as deep as she could. Chris threw his head back, his jaw parting while his eyes closed, moaning softly. She lifted her head, pursing her lips around his tip and began to suckle. He quickly moaned slightly louder, the pleasure of the gentle pain he was receiving made him go nuts. He quickly grabbed her and moved her off to the side. His movements were so fast, he was behind her in the blink of an eye. Amelia smirked softly seeing where he was, quickly lowering her upper half to have her ass up in the air for him. He inserted himself into her pussy, thrusting rapidly against her. She moaned loudly, clenching the sheets as he pulled her hair. "That's my girl" he growled out, his body slamming against hers. Moans filled the room from both of them. He gripped her waist, huffing roughly before coming into her body. Amelia smiled, feeling his warmth.

"Don't stop" she whined softly, looking over his shoulder at him. His body shined lightly from the small amounts of sweat. He continued his thrusts for her, letting go of her hair to reach down under her. He pressed his index and middle finger up against her clit, rubbing it gently. Amelia gasped lightly, pushed back up against him lightly, wanting more of him the more he aroused her. He noticed and quickly gave her what she wanted, picking up his pace with the thrusts. Her legs spread apart involuntarily, "Chris!" She yelped out, giving in to the pleasure and climaxing. Her body quickly melted, her breath heavy with lust. He smirked softly, loving the sound of her moaning his name. He pulled out and flopped off to the side, giving her ass a rough spank on the way to a lay. She jolted and smirked, rolling to lay down next to him. They panted lightly, trying to regain their breath. She pecked his lips and got up, heading over to the bathroom. She laid down next to him once she had returned. She cuddled up to him quickly, her finger tracing the wordy tattoo on his clavicle. He looked down at her, watching her finger run across his chest, grabbing her hand and bringing it up to his lips. He pressed a gentle kiss onto the back of her hand, causing a smile to appear on Amelia's lips. His hand released hers and moved to caress her body, following the shape of her curvy waist, resting it happily on her ass. She smiled happily, tossing one of her legs over his body as they cuddled. They loved each other's gentle touch, eventually falling asleep.

A/N: So from now on, i prob won't mention her using the restroom after they have sex. Worry not, she def does go cuz we dont want no UTIs lol But yea, the use of a bathroom and cleaning herself up after is from now on implied. I just don't want to include it anymore as it lowkey ruins the mood of the story xD

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