Chapter 30: In The Public's Eye

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Days passed and the couple continued onto more dates. They would meet up more often than not. Most of the time Chris would think up of the dates based on what he remembered Amelia telling him before the miscarriage incident. A lot of the dates were around the public which did not go unnoticed by paparazzi nor fans. Headlines across nearly every article nationwide had something to do with the pair. With each date they had, came a new article and new attention from fans. A Picnic was one of the first dates the couple had in public. Amelia often brought the blankets and pillows, meanwhile Chris brought the basket full of foods and snacks with Dodger tagging along most of the time. Fans were quick to notice and start chatting these first outings.

"Chris and Amelia are def back together."
"So Chris isn't single anymore? What a bummer."
"OMG yay!! I'm so happy they reunited, they're such a cute couple!"
"I thought they broke up? Was she actually pregnant or was she lying to get Chris to stay with her? That's disgusting if she did. I hope he finds someone better!"
Comments from fans were positive and negative and always trying to pry in their life. These did not go unseen by the couple but both did their best to ignore the negative ones, especially those talking about their pregnancy. Once the news about them simmered down during the week, the couple would take the opportunity to go out again, hoping they would no longer attract so much attention but one event was about to put them into the public's eye for sure.

"You got anything formal for next week?" Chris spoke to Amy over the phone. "No, why? Where did you plan on going?" She asked, a smile appearing on her lips. "You're not gonna like it anymore than I do." He chuckled softly, "You're gonna be my date to the People's Choice Awards." Amelia's jaw dropped in terror, "You're joking right? You always take your mom or your sisters." Chris laughed and shook his head, "I'm not joking, and this year I'm taking you. I finally have you back and I'm not going anywhere without you." Amelia bit her lip momentarily with worry, "I'm not sure if I'm ready to be live on national television." He pulled up his laptop and went on to write an email to one of his designers, letting them know he'd need a dress for Amelia to match his suit. "It's a date, you can't say no to a date, sweetheart." Chris smirked lightly, his voice gruff and challenging. "Baby! You can't do this to me!" She whined with a bit of laughter mixed in. "Oh but I can." 

And just as he said, Amelia was on the red carpet dressed in a beautiful, floor length, dark midnight blue dress with diamond rhinestones. Her arm looped around her handsome date's arm who wore black suit, a white dress shirt underneath and a dark midnight blue tie to match her stunning dress. The two walked down the red carpet, flashes of photography blinding them, paparazzi asking millions of questions at a time that sounded like a bunch of mumbling to them. They eventually stopped where people began shooting thousands of pictures of them and in a quick interview, questions were asked.

"Are you two officially a couple again?" "Yes, we are." Chris answered, glancing down at Amelia who offered him a genuine smile. "What was the reason you broke up? Was it true that you guys were pregnant? Did you guys miscarry or get an abortion?" Someone in the crowd asked. Chris's eyes grew angry, whereas Amelia's filled with fear and sorrow. "First of all, that's none of yours or anyone else's business. You all should be ashamed of yourself for asking questions about such a sensitive topic. Since the moment we arrived, all questions have been directed at me, completely ignoring Amelia and her feelings." Chris snapped, "If we wanted to talk about our situation, we would've and yet we have. So get a hint." Amelia's hand gripped his bicep, her body slightly hiding behind his. The crowd grew quiet, Chris looked down at Amelia and sighed, he led her down the carpet, away from everyone else.

"Are you ok?" He asked once they were in a more private setting. "I think so, are you? I've never seen you that angry before." She pressed her hand up against his cheek gently, Chris letting out a sigh as he felt her touch. "Yea, I'm better now. I'm sorry I made you come." "Baby no, don't apologize. This wasn't your fault. People are nosy and unfortunately, this was inevitable. They're not going to stop until one of us confirms their story. So please, don't blame yourself for this." Chris smiled softly, pecking her on the lips before he offered his arm to her once again. She smiled back at him and looped her arm around his, both walking down another section of carpet, entering the building and finding their seats. 

The ceremony started and awards were handed out to their winners, the couple chatted quietly among themselves as the time passed. Soon enough, time came where Chris, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio and Denzel Washington were all nominated for "The Best Actor" award. With a few seconds of suspense, Chris was loudly announced as the winner. The couple smiled at each other, Chris quickly leaned in for a peck and then went on his way to the stage where he claimed his award. 

"I want to thank everyone here, my fans, my family and my beautiful girlfriend for this award. Without all of you, I wouldn't be up here receiving this award." Chris spoke for a few minutes, giving his thanks to all his supporters and soon returned to his seat. Once the ceremony was over, all celebrities and guests exited the building where they were greeted by more paparazzi and their flashing cameras. Chris and Amelia approached a group where they got their pictures taken with the award. They looked at each other, and with soft, yet worrisome smiles, they looked up at the cameras and Amelia began to speak. "You guys asked a question earlier, which was absolutely not ok, but we know that you are all curious and if you must know, we'd rather you hear it from us than create rumors or ask people who have no reason to be bothered. Yes, I was pregnant. Yes, we did, unfortunately lose the baby and yes, the miscarriage was the reason for our break up. We didn't know how to cope and took out all our frustrations on each other. Time passed, we both healed and were both happy being together again." 

The crowd went silent once again with their confession, and before they could speak or ask any other questions, they both walked off to get their car from the valet and returned to Amy's apartment where they finally slept together for the first time since they got back together again.

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