Chapter 33: Actors and Actresses

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A/N: I apologize if this ep seems sorta meh, i will admit, i did get writers block and this is more of a filler chapter. Sorry! But i hope you enjoy the chapter nonetheless!

Months had passed and the couple was thriving. Chris had invited Amy to join him on set during one of his acting days. She sat back in his director's chair, observing the scene being acted out. She was amazed with everything that went on behind the scenes. People ran around, gathering others, while others offered food and drinks to the actors and crew members. Others fixed the lights, the millions of cameras and camera crew constantly switching and focusing on the actors, it was chaos. She slowly started getting the hang of things the move she was brought to the sets. She was able to observe everything and it was amazing.

"Was someone casted for the part of Abigail?" The director asked his coworkers. "Yes, but she never showed up for her script." Someone answered the scary, tall and older man. "What? Abigail's the love interest of Noah, she's literally the second main role?!?! How is there no one here as a backup?!?" the director scolded, Amelia looked over at Chris, somewhat confused, yet somewhat terrified. She kept quiet and still in her chair, not wanting to get in the crossfire, but it was too late. The director's angered, honey brown eyes were staring into her eyes. "Who are you?" Her body tensed at his firm words, her mouth parted but not a single sound escaped. "She's my girlfriend, sir." Chris quickly jumped in, "I apologize, I didn't think having her here would be a problem." The director was quick to interrupt, "does she act? Do you act?" He asked, directing his second question to her. "I-I I've never really tried it." She admitted. "Well today's your lucky day, someone hand her a script!!" He yelled out. An assistant rushed over, handing her a copy of the movies script. "I'm not sure this is a good idea." She panicked, her eyes shooting from the director, who was no longer paying attention to her, to Chris, who gave her a sympathetic smile. "You'll be fine, you just gotta memorize the lines." He said, trying to comfort her. "Chris I can't do this, I've never done this before, this is a whole movie" She ranted, waving the big packet of papers in the air. "I know, but you can. Luckily your part is my role's love interest so it'll just be me and you right now. Forget everyone else is here, it's just you and me." He chuckled softly. "Deep breath, love." Amelia looked at him, following his instructions and breathed deeply. "You got this." She sighed and nodded, "I got this." She tried to fake her confidence but clearly failed. Chris smiled and led her over to the set, she read the first few lines she had. "Once she rehearsed the lines for a few minutes, the same assistant took the script and ran off the set. The lights adjusted, the cameras flicked on and the director sat in his seat, watching them like a hawk and before she knew it, he yelled the big, terrifying word. "ACTION!!!"

"Good morning, Mr. Cox. The assistant you approved was hired, she's in the lobby. Her training is complete and she's all yours now." A woman spoke. "Perfect, send her in. I'll put her to the test today." Chris replied. The woman swiveled on her heels and walked out a side door where Amelia was instructed to walk through. "Good morning" Chris spoke again. "Good morning, Mr. Cox. It's nice to finally meet you. What can I assist you with today?" Amelia asked. Surprisingly, her voice didn't crack nor shake. "I need you to file this paper work and get back to me, and while you're at it, run by the coffee cart and fetch me a hot espresso, 2 shots and 1 pump of vanilla." Chris looked at her, hoping she'd remember her line. "Yes sir, 2 shots of espresso, 1 pump of vanilla. As for the paperwork, would you like me to organize the files and have them pulled on a usb for you?" Chris nodded, "I'd appreciate that, yes please." Amelia gave a single nod of the head and she was scurrying off the set from the side door.

The director nodded and quickly decided it was enough, "CUT!!!" Amelia and the rest of the cast looked over at him. "Excellent! You got the part, please talk to your agent and have them contact my agent and come up with a contract for you. I expect to see you here bright and early tomorrow. For now, we'll move onto scenes without Abigail in them" He announced. Amelia's jaw dropped slightly. She wasn't expecting to be good at acting, let alone get a lead role in a movie. Soon enough, Amelia was practicing her roles with Chris at home. She loved acting and was in shock she had never bothered trying it before. She excelled at her new job, and best of all, she didn't even have to act like Chris's girlfriend. Their affection made the scenes more realistic. Within a good number of months, they had completed the movie. "You did great, sweetheart." Chris congratulated her. "Thank you, my love! You did too!" She smiled sweetly, wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiled back, picking her up and twirling her around. "This will open so many doors for you, I just know it." Amelia blushed immediately, "Oh, I don't know if I wanna do this as a career. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing and so much fun, but its super stressful." She began explaining. "Besides, what if someday we have kids? I'd love to be a stay at home mom and be there for them any chance I get." She said shyly at the mention of kids. Chris tilted his head at her words. "Are you...?" He asked, trying to get the third word out. "No, no. I'm not pregnant." She shook her head and soon looked up at him. "But you know my Chris, I want kids. I want loads and loads of kids, and I know that this acting stuff takes up a lot of time. I mean, there's times where you're gone for a month, even two. I wouldn't want to be away from my kids for even an hour." She explained. Chris nodded, remaining quiet. Amelia grew worried at his silence. "You, you still want kids right? Eventually?" She asked, hoping, praying he'd say yes. Chris kept quiet for a few seconds before he sighed deeply and nodded, "Yes, I do." She took a breath, relieved to hear his words. "But what if we lose it too?" Amelia's eyes watered lightly, knowing that would break both of their spirits. "Baby, no. We can't think like that. Besides, if i can't have any children, we'll adopt. I know it's not the same, but it's a baby or a teen, who cares. They'll be ours, we'll help raise them, shape them into amazing adults." Chris smiled softly, his eyes watery as well. He nodded, liking the words she spoke. "Ok, I like that. We can do that." He agreed, and just like that, both headed to Amy's place to wind down and relax. 

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