Chapter 8: Take Out and Movies

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40 minutes passed rather quickly while they chatted, a knock interrupting their conversation. Chris stood, taking out his wallet as he opened the door seeing the delivery man there. He smiled and took the food, exchanging his money for it, and closed the door. He took the bag of food over to the 2 seater table and set it down. Amelia got up, going over to help him. "How much was it?" She asked, already suspecting of knowing his answer. "Dont worry about it." He responded, taking boxes and trays of the food out of the bag. Amelia grabbed plates, setting them on the table as she shook her head, knowing that would be his response. She didn't bother fighting him on it, knowing he wouldn't accept her money. She learned not to even bother as they were most always pretty even when buying each other food.

"I have water, soda... umm, iced tea aaaaaand, that's it." She listed, looking into her fridge. "I'm good with water, please." Chris spoke, opening up some of the containers, serving himself some food. Amelia brought back 2 glasses of water, setting them down on the table as she began to serve herself. "Do you want to eat here or in the room to watch tv?" She asked him. Amelia couldn't afford 2 tvs, so she only had one in her bedroom where she spent most of her time when being home. "Whatever you want is fine with me." He replied, looking over at her. She nodded and bobbed her head in the direction of her room. "Come on, tv it is." She laughed softly, heading over to her room, Chris following right behind her with his food and drink.

Once seated on the bed, Amelia turned the tv on, quickly clicking netflix. "Anything you want to watch?" She questioned, scrolling through the options offered to her. "And you have to choose, cuz I basically only watch rom coms and that would probably bore you. Chris chuckled as he swallowed the bit of food he had begun to eat. "Put your favorite rom com movie then." Amelia looked over at him, eyes narrowing, "You better not fall asleep then." She threatened playfully. "I won't, I promise." He responded, putting up his free hand. Amelia smiled and began searching up her favorite movie, soon clicking on the title screen and playing "The Proposal".

They began to eat, watching the movie quietly. Chris finished up, stood up so that he could go wash his plate. Amelia noticed and quickly chuckled, "Don't eat too much. We don't want you rolling around cuz your stomach hurts like last time" Chris stopped and looked over at her offended. "I wasnt even rolling around!" He defended himself with a laugh, "Besides, I'm not getting any more, I'm going to wash my plate." Amelia shook her head, "Don't be silly, just leave it, I'll wash it later. It's the least I can do since you wouldnt let me give you money for it." Chris laughed and nodded, going over to the kitchen, washing his dishes, ignoring what she had told him. He soon came back, kicking off her shoes and flopped onto the bed, tossing his feet up. He leaned back against the headboard and rested his hands behind his head as he proceeded to watch the movie. Despite it being the first time being in her apartment, he had no issue making himself right at home considering how comfortable he was around her.

Amelia set her plate with a few scraps of food onto her nightstand after a while. She remained in the same position as she was in before, sitting criss crossed. She continued watching the movie, unaware of Chris getting so comfortable, he began to doze off. With 15 minutes left in the rom com, Amelia's head shot around, hearing the soft buzzing snore he was emitting. She rolled her eyes, letting him nap for the time being.

Once her favorite movie had ended, she looked back over at him, a small smirk forming on her lips as she reached over, booping his nose. He grunted softly, opening his eyes to look at her. "Did you just poke my nose?" He asked in a low, groggy voice. Amelia laughed and shook her head. "NO, I booped it. There's a difference." She smirked lightly, "I warned you not to fall asleep." she spoke, reaching over to boop his nose once again. "Yea well, too bad." He responded, poking her arm. "Hey!" She whined, smiling and poking back. They both engaged in a poking war, poking each other in turns. "Forfeit or I bring out the ticklers!" Chris warned, wiggling his fingers. "The ticklers? Really? That's the best you got?" She challenged him. His brows rose at her words, lunging at her and began tickling her. Amelia squeaked, doing her best to wiggle her way out of his hold. Once she had escaped him, she quickly turned the beds corner, getting away from him. Chris chased her around the room, cutting her off any chance she could. Amelia quickly booked it, exiting the room, seeing he was trying to catch her. Amelia's squeals were full of joy and anxiety from the fear of being caught as he chased her around the house.

Chris laughed, cutting her off in the kitchen. Amelia stopped dead in her tracks before turning and running the other way into the living room. He bare feet slapping the wood panel flooring. Chris dashed after her, eventually reaching her and wrapping his arms around her body from behind. "Running is worse, sweetheart." Chris spoke with a devilish, yet playful tone, including a pet name. Amelia laughed, wiggling out of his grasp once again. She stood, turning quickly and holding her hands out to keep him away. She walked backwards, eventually falling back onto the couch. She raised her hands, waving them like flags as she laughed nervously. "I forfeit, i forfeit!" She cried out. Chris shook his head, approaching her slowly, like a lion hunting his prey. "You had your chance." Amelia grew more nervous, "Chris, please!" she begged between laughing, failing to call him off. He quickly went in, tickling her stomach, somewhat straddling her at this point. Amelia laughed, trying to block his hands, sitting up lightly as she tried balling herself up to avoid the tickles.

Chris soon freed his prisoner, standing up. Amelia wiped the joyful tears from her eyes, trying to catch her breath, sprawling out across the cough. "That should teach you not to challenge me." He joked, huffing lightly with a nod. She rolled her eyes and sat up, nudging him to the best of her ability. He was about to go back in for another round of tickles because of the nudge but was stopped from his phone alarm going off.

"What, it's 7 already?" He questioned, pulling his phone out from his front pocket, turning it on to look at the time. "Oh wow. I gotta go. I have to go feed Dodge." He said softly. "I'll stop by again tomorrow if that's cool with you?" He asked, wanting to make sure she was ok with all the drama going on. Amelia nodded, letting him know she'd be home after 2 since she has a few dogs to walk. Chris nodded softly, "Alright, I'll probably come around 5 since I have a few errands to do anyways." Amelia nodded in agreement as she stood, "Sounds good to me!" They both approached each other, joining their bodies in a hug. They kissed each other's cheeks and parted, Amelia walking him out. They waved goodbye quickly, Chris getting into his car and driving off as she closed her door.

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