Chapter 42: Family

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A/N: Hi all, so sorry for such a long haitus. Ive been struggling but i couldnt leave you guys hanging. Im sure this isnt the best chapter, nor the best ending but i hope it makes you happy with what happens in their lives. Thank you all for the support and i hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as i enjoyed writing it.

The first few months were troublesome for the couple, but yet it flew by in a breeze and before they knew it, baby Sophia was 7 months old. Chris and Amy would often split duties, especially at night. As the months flew by they slowly made their way into a routine. Chris had taken the whole year off of his acting career, wanting to be present in the baby's life as much as possible. That year passed in a flash as the two celebrated their baby girl's first birthday. Of course, daddy's little princess had to have a princess themed birthday, and although they knew she wouldn't remember any of it, they still decided to go all out. Soon after, he had returned to work for only a few weeks at a time and rushed home any chance he could. They had a few rough patches once again but were both communicating perfectly now, so those little bumps were nothing but bumps. As Sophia turned 2, the couple would often have their fun, leaving Sophia with grandma and before they knew it, a stick turned positive.

"We're pregnant!" Amelia squealed with joy as she jumped into her husband's arms. "We're having another baby!" Chris hugged her tightly, hiding his face into the crook of her face as he once again began to cry. The joy of being a father of one was the best feeling he could ever have, and now, to have a second made his heart do back flips. "I can't believe it, I'm gonna have 2 beautiful children," he said softly. She nodded back happily, kissing his forehead. And just like that, the two began preparing and before they knew it, Amy was now 8 months along. "The baby, it's coming!!" She yelped as she got a contraction. The two decided to wait until the birth to know the gender. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" Chris yelled as he rushed out the door with the keys and the hospital bag packed with all the essentials they may need. Moments later they arrived at the hospital and were rushed in. "You're 9 centimeters dilated, let's get this show on the road!" the doctor called out as the nurses began rushing around the room. After an excruciating 13 hours of labor, their baby boy, Liam, was born.

2 days in the hospital without Sophia was frustrating for both parents, so when they got home, they were excited to see their now, 3 year old daughter rushing to them with open arms. Chris picked her up, twirled her in the arm and smuggled her with kisses. Sophia squealed and laughed happily in her dads arms. "Wanna meet your baby brother?" Amy asked as she sat on the couch slowly with the baby wrapped in a thin blanket. Chris put her down and Sophia made her way over. They had already explained the new sibling situation to her as best as they could. Lucky for them, she was a smart little sponge that absorbed all the information given to her. She was slow and cautious. She kneels besides her mom and peeked over at the tiny baby next to her. She smiled happily, fact was, Sophia was really excited to be a big sister, something shed regret as they both grew. "You want to hold him?" Amy asked her, to which she nodded. "Ok, sit down for me." Sophia did as told and sat down, her mom passing the baby gently, laying him on her lap as dad helped position her arms to hold him. Sophia watched her baby brother sleep, her smile almost permanent on her lips. She sat there for way longer than both parents expected, and right there they knew she'd be the best big sister ever.

The family of 4 spent every moment possible together. As the kids grew, they did more activities together and when Sophia turned 6 and Liam turned 4, they took their first Disneyland trip as a family. They headed over to the castle, took some pictures and then went to take pics with Mickey and Minnie. Mickey waved around an envelope, leaving Chris and the kids confused. He struggled to open it but after the help of the cast member, they got the envelope open. Mickey looked at the contents inside with Minnie right next to him, gasping and acting jolly. Mickey turned the images around, pictures of an ultrasound. Chris took it and inspected it, "What's this?" He asked, turned to look at Amy who held a hand over her belly with a smile. He stood still, completely shocked at the news. "We're having a baby?" he asked her. She nodded softly as tears pricked her eyes when Chris made his way to hug her. "I can't believe it. In just a few years you've made my life so much better, and now you're giving me another baby?" he whimpered softly. She giggled through the tears and nodded. "I would give you all the babies in the world if you asked for it, my love," Amy whispered softly. "I love you," Chris spoke softly, pecking her lips before she could respond. The crowd around them cheered loudly, including the crew members who helped arrange the surprise.

Months later, their daughter Layla was born. Time flew for Chris. One moment he was a lonely bachelor, and now, he was happily married to the love of his life and a father of 3 beautiful children. Chris and Amy's bond grew even stronger than ever as they watched their kids grow happily over the years. Both of them could not be any happier than now, hearing the laughter, the squeals and every little noise the kids made around the house.

Chris smiled as he looked over at Amy as they sat in their lawn chairs, watching the kids playing in the backyard. "What?" She asked as she noticed. "Nothing, I just love you," he chuckled in response. She smiled, "I love you too," she responded, reaching out a hand to hold his. They held hands happily before he spoke again. "Sucks you're not my one and only anymore, but also, you not being my one and only is the best thing i could've ever asked for." Amy smiled once again at his words referring to the love he had for his kids, looking at him endearingly. "You're not my one and only either, but I wouldn't have chosen anyone else to be my one," she spoke, leaning her head on his shoulder. He smiled and kissed her head. "Yea, you'll always be my one too," he responded softly


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