Chapter 15: Happy Anniversary

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Months passed and the happy couple's 1 year anniversary crept around the corner. Amelia continued to interact with his family often, sometimes staying over at his place too. Chris had met her parents and best friend over a video call and hit it off with all 3 of them. The word was out that he was dating a regular girl, and as usual, drama stirred up for Amelia, but they both got through it together. She experienced hate from time to time but learned to deal with it in her own ways. She knew those fans were jealous and had no one else to take it out on but herself. Having Chris' support helped in those tough times where the keyboard warriors attacked. Apart from that little amount of drama that up roared any time they were spotted together, everything went great, even when he was away for work.

Amelia was busy with dog walking for the day while Chris had the whole day to himself on the day of their anniversary. He sighed softly, thinking of ways to surprise and celebrate the anniversary with her. Finally thinking of something, he quickly headed over to a flower shop, ordering a dozen roses with a mix of sunflowers in the batch. He soon headed back home and looked around for Scott, finding him in the living room. "Are you free tonight?" Chris asked, Scott nodding softly. Scott was home visiting for the week. "Ok good. Can you deliver the flowers and bear I got for Amelia here?" He handed him a business card with an address. "It's under my name." Chris explained his plan to Scott, both agreeing with the times arranged and went on with their day.

As the afternoon rolled in, Chris called Amy, seeing where she was to pick her up. "Hey baby! I'm at King's house." She told him, Chris already knew the names of most of the dogs she walked and their homes. "Alright, I'll be right there." He soon drove over, parking at the front of the house. Amelia walked out and smiled, heading over to his car and got in. She leaned in and kissed him happily. "Happy one year anniversary, my love." Chris said softly. "Happy anniversary, baby." She responded, pecking his lips rapidly. He chuckled softly, soon speaking once she settled down. "I got a whole plan for us, I don't want to hear any 'I'll pay for this. No, that's too expensive.' or anything else. I'm treating you tonight." Chris mimicked her words from past times they had dates where she complained about him paying for everything or feeling bad he was paying for her. "Fine, fine." She laughed, nodding in agreement, having a feeling she would regret saying those words later.

He soon drove her over to his house, leading her into the room after everyone greeted and congratulated them. She froze seeing a wine colored, long, sweetheart cut, formal dress with a slit along the left leg. A pair of silver stiletto heels were propped up on the bed next to the dress. She quickly turned to look at him with doe eyes. "I don't wanna hear it, Amelia." He said firmly, assuming she'd say something along the lines of 'It's too expensive' or 'I can't pull that off, I don't have the body for it' knowing she was still insecure about her body despite how much he loved it. "You got this for me?" She looked at him teary eyed. Amelia had relationships in the past, but they could never compare. Her exes often left her ditched at a restaurant, or cancelled last minute, some even forgot the anniversaries. To put it simply, she was treated like she meant nothing. "Of course. Who else, dummy?" he chuckled softly, opening his arms for her. Amelia smiled and quickly went over to hug him. "Thank you, it's beautiful." She expressed happily. "Just like you." Chris responded, "Now go shower so we can be at the restaurant a bit early."

As soon as she was out of the shower Chris headed in to take one. Amelia changed into the dress, smiling as she looked at herself in the mirror. She loved the way the slit started high, showing off her thigh. She waltzed around the room for a bit, doing a bit of a cat walk for herself. She squealed excitedly, loving the dress. She soon took it off and put it back on the bed once the excitement subdued. She changed into some regular clothes and sat down at his desk, beginning to do her makeup, keeping it light. She only applied some sliver, glittery eyeshadow, cat wings and mascara. Once satisfied, she headed into the bathroom and began curling her hair. Chris walked out of the shower with his towel wrapped around his waist, smiling as he watched her get all dolled up.

He headed into the bedroom and grabbed his black suit, accompanying it with a red tie that matched her dress. Amelia soon skipped out of the bathroom, her curls bouncing behind her. "Mmm, daddy's looking good today." She catcalled, calling his daddy teasingly from time to time. Chris laughed and shook his head. "Yea, well my baby girl looks absolutely gorgeous everyday." He reciprocated, Amy blushing at his words. She smiled softly and pecked his lips before slipping out of her clothes. Despite never having sex, they were at the point where they were comfortable changing in front of one another. Chris checked her out, his eyes looking her up and down hungrily. Amelia slipped the dress on, turning her back to him and peeking over her shoulder. "Mind zipping me up?" She asked. Chris smirked softly, standing from the bed and walked over to her, pulling the zipper up. He moved her hair partially out of the way of her neck, before planting a trail of kisses from her shoulder to her neck. Amelia's eyes closed, enjoying the gentle touch, tilting her head slightly to give him more access.

Amelia soon pulled away, smiling softly and going over to sit on the bed to put her heels on. She soon went over to the jewelry drawer she had and pulled out a simple, yet elegant, diamond necklace. "Ready!" She chirped happily. Chris smiled and nodded, hooking out his arm for her to grab. He escorted her out to the kitchen to say bye to everyone. Everyone was quick to compliment their looks before sending them off to enjoy their anniversary.

Chris pulled up to the restaurant. The valet opened their doors to a red carpet that led up to a fancy 5 star restaurant. Chris circled the car once he handed over his keys and went over to stand on her left side. They smiled at each other before walking in, the waitress leading them over to their reserved table. The restaurant lighting was dim, beautiful music from the live piano echoed off the walls, candles on every table. It was clearly a very elegant restaurant, one that was very hard to get into. They were seated at a secluded table, giving them some privacy. "It's so beautiful here." Amelia said happily as she observed the elegance. Chris smiled, grabbing her hand to kiss it. She quickly turned to look at him, smiling lovingly. "I love you." She said softly, falling in love with him more and more by the second. "I love you too, sweetheart."

The waiter soon came by to take orders. "Can we get some Chardonnay with some glasses of water too?" Chris ordered, Amelia staring at him in awe. The waiter nodded and scribbled onto the notepad. "Would you like some more time to look over the menus?" Chris looked over at the menu quickly, pointing out what he wanted. "I'll take the angus top sirloin steak, medium rare, please." He ordered, the waiter soon turning to Amelia. "May I get the alfredo fettuccine with chicken, please." She smiled, the waiter nodded and scribbled down some more, leaving once he was excused.

"Happy one year anniversary, my love." Chris said softly, sliding over a pamphlet. She looked it over, smiling as she read it. "I got us a few days at the resort. I signed us up for the couples retreat. It has spas, pools, massages and more." Amelia smiled happily, handing his hand. "You're the best!" She spoke. "I have something for you too but I don't have it on me. It's back at my apartment. I'll give it to you at the resort though." Chris nodded in agreement, kissing her hand once again.

The food was soon brought over and the happy couple began to eat. Enjoying the rich taste of their meals. His steak was juicy with every bite, filled with the rich meaty flavors. Her pasta was creamy, the cheesy flavor impossible to miss. They took sips of their delicious wine between bites. "Wow, this is by far the best chicken alfredo I've had." She softly moaned out. Chris chuckled softly. "I'm glad you liked it here." She nodded quickly, "loved!" He smiled and soon pair the check, standing and escorting her out after she hooked her arms onto his.

They soon drove over to her house, getting her bags packed with a few outfits and some bathing suits. Amelia packed his gift in her bag, making sure he didn't see it as she wanted it to be a surprise. "Ok, all done!" She chirped with a smile. Chris took her bags and placed them in the car. "Alright, ready to go?" He asked, receiving a nod. "Come on, let's get going. We can get there in 45 minutes." They both got into the car, driving off to the small, but well reviewed resort. 

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