Chapter 14: Snowballs and Hot Chocolate

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A/N: Hey all! Id greatly appreciate some interaction with the story if you guys are enjoying it. I'm unfortunately getting some writers block and feeling discouraged from the lack of interaction so please, if you don't mind, maybe give it a vote or simply leave some comments. Thanks and enjoy!

As the day passed and everyone enjoyed their time with each other. Everyone headed out to the backyard around midday to enjoy the snow. The kids quickly began building forts, and of course, Chris unleashed his inner 5 year old and began helping them along with Scott. Amelia dusted off a lawn chair and sat down, watching them with a smile as she patted Dodger. A few of the others went inside, leaving only Chris, Scott, the kids, Amelia and Lisa outside. "Thank you for joining us this Christmas and for making my son happy." Lisa said, sitting on the chair next to hers after getting the snow off. "No, thank you guys for accepting me here." She responded, looking over at Chris lovingly. "You have nothing to thank us for, dear. You got along with all of us instantly, so know that you are welcome here anytime." Lisa spoke, Amelia smiling at her. Before she could thank her once again, a snowball exploded on her body. She gasped and looked over at the direction it came from, seeing Chris standing doe eyed at a distance.

"Oops." Chris mumbled out with a forced grin. Amelia turned to Lisa, "Would you excuse me for just a second?" Amelia asked, Lisa nodding quickly. "Go get your payback." Amelia laughed at her words and got up, walking down the steps of the deck. Chris put his hands up in a surrender, "I didn't mean to hit your chest, it was an accident!" Chris pleaded for mercy. Amelia bent down, grabbing a handful of snow and forming it into a ball, quickly throwing it at him. Chris covered himself by turning his torso lightly, having the ball hit his shoulder. Amelia quickly formed another, trying to throw them at her as quickly as she could. Chris rapidly grabbed snow for himself, throwing them back. Amy squeaked, covering her face quickly. He quickly smirked, grabbing more and throwing them at her. She screamed with a laugh, running from him as he chased back.

The kids immediately defended Amy, throwing snowballs at the uncles as it was clear Scott had joined Chris' team. They hid behind forts opposite of each other, throwing them across their 'battlefield'. The backyard filled with screams and laughs as the fight only got more intense. Lisa laughed from the deck, pulling out her phone to record. Amelia made a quick plan with the kids. "Ok, I'll go this way to distract them and you three go the opposite way and bombard them with snowballs. Stella, you go in front of your brothers, your uncle wouldn't dare hurt you." The kids agreed and they carried out their plan, managing to pull it off. Chris and Scott quickly surrendered seeing as they had all invaded and conquered their fort. "Ok, ok! We forfeit!!!" Scott cried out while Chris laughed.

"Come on children, let's get you guys some hot chocolate." Lisa called for all of them, including the adult children as they had been snowball fighting for nearly an hour. The kids and Scott headed inside while Amelia helped Chris up from the floor where Stella and Ethan had tackled him down. Chris stood up with her help, hiding a hand as his lips displayed a smirk. Amelia noticed and tried to run off but was pulled back by Chris. He threw a tiny bit of snow down her sweater. "Chris!!!" She gasped quickly, trying to get it out. Chris quickly dashed off, Amy following pursuit, throwing snow at him. Chris laughed, looking at her as they chased each other around a chair. He ran off, Amelia managing to grab his arm. Chris laughed, turning to face her and swatted her hands away from him playfully. He tripped, falling back into the snow. "Ha! Karma!" Amelia laughed. She screamed nearly immediately as he had pulled her down to the snow. She quickly tried to get up, tussling with him to let her go while they both laughed. He quickly straddled her, pinning her hands above her head. "Chris, baby. Please, no." Amelia begged, whining softly. Chris laughed and leaned down, pressing his lips against hers in a loving, yet hungry, way. She smiled, accepting his kisses as her body relaxed. He slid his tongue into her mouth, both getting slightly hungrier with their kisses.

Chris soon parted, looking down at her as she huffed lightly in an attempt to catch her breath. He gave her one last peck before standing up, releasing his hold on her. He helped her up, dusting the snow off of her body. She smiled at the help, soon helping him to get the snow off of himself. He grabbed her hand, leading her inside. Scott wiggled his eyebrows at them. "You guys were getting steamy out there. You guys nearly melted all the snow!" He teased them. Amelia's face flushed a bright red in embarrassment, not thinking anyone had seen. Chris nudged Scott and laughed, leading Amy to the room to change out of their wet, icy clothes.

Amelia shivered lightly as she took her pants off as that was the only thing the ice penetrated. Chris smirked seeing her cheeky lace underwear. She noticed and quickly threw her pants at him with a laugh. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." She sassed. He laughed softly and shook his head, walking up to her and pressing his palm on her cheek, pulling her in for a kiss. She smiled against his lips, tossing her arms over his shoulders and around his neck. "I love you." Chris said softly. Amelia parted to look at him with a smile, never expecting him to say the words first. "I love you too, with all my heart." She responded, kissing him happily. He chuckled softly at her reaction. "Come on, our hot choco is gonna get cold and your family's gonna come looking for us if we take any longer." She smiled, peeling herself from him to put on some warm fuzzy pajama pants.

They joined the rest of the family in the living room. The kids were playing with their brand new toys once again while the adults watched tv and chatted. Chris sat down on the single spot left on the couch, patting his lap for her. She blushed lightly, knowing his family would watch them. She hesitantly sat on his lap, his arm weaving around her body to hold her waist as he held his hot chocolate in the other. She sipped on her warm drink, trying not to make eye contact with the others. Her body instantly warmed up, causing a smile to form on her lips.

As the day went on, the family continued to interact with one another. They regrouped around 2 pm to have some leftover lunch. A few went their own ways after to take a nap or do other things. Chris and Amelia took a stroll in the backyard, walking Dodger as he sniffed around to potty. They held each other's hands, as they walked by the woods. Dodgers tail wagged softly as he had found his spot. "Stay the week, don't go back to your apartment tomorrow." Chris said softly as they waited for the pup. "Chris, I have work and I do need to change clothes too. I didn't pack enough for a week." She explained. She wanted to stay more but she needed more clothes and her clients' houses were way further from his house than they were from hers. "Then I'll take you to pack more clothes tomorrow and I can drop you off at the houses in the mornings. Hell, maybe I can join you on your walks." She smiled at his words, loving that he wanted her there with him. "I don't have to walk anyone tomorrow or the next day, so I can stay till then. But on the days I do need to work, why don't you and Dodger stay at my place? Or, I don't know, but we'll figure something out." She said softly, placing her palm against his cheek, Chris leaning his head into her touch with a nod. They soon headed back to the house, heading to the room to nap. They came to an agreement as they changed into their pajamas and laid down. Amelia's head nuzzled into his chest as his arms wrapped around her. He smiled softly, closing his eyes and dozing off. She soon fell into a light sleep, his warmth cooing her into a deeper sleep as the time passed. 

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