Chapter Four

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There exists a fine boundary between confidence and arrogance, and that is known as humility.
Confidence radiates with a smile, while arrogance displays itself with a smirk.

 Confidence radiates with a smile, while arrogance displays itself with a smirk

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I clutch his collar tightly, forcefully pressing him against the nearby wall. He clenches his teeth in response to the impact, quickly concealing any sign of discomfort. Mockingly, I taunt him, "Didn't you realize I'm skilled in self-defense, you jerk? Or are your deceitful tactics failing, so now you're resorting to physical harm!" I growl in frustration, but his smirk persists, aggravating me further.

Kayden gently places his hand on my forearm and whispers, "Skylar, let him go. He wants you to react like this. Don't give him the satisfaction."

"The boy is smart," Lewis remarks, raising an eyebrow, silently questioning who Kayden is. I choose not to respond and release him from my grip. Just then, I notice the door opening, and I turn my gaze to see Harvey, Criss, and my assistant entering the scene.

"Are you okay?" Criss asks immediately, concerned, and starts checking for any visible bruises. However, apart from my bleeding knuckles, there are no major injuries. But even the sight of the blood on my knuckles is enough to worry Criss. "Oh my God, your knuckles are bleeding," she exclaims with concern in her voice.

I notice Harvey's face turning red with anger as he accuses, "Are you both conspiring against her now?"

Lewis was about to answer, but I quickly interjected, "Actually, Mr. McCoy here saved me." As soon as they heard the name "Mr. McCoy," both Harvey and Criss raised their eyebrows in surprise, while my assistant looked on with confusion.

Criss directed her fury at Lewis, shouting, "If anything had happened to her, I would have shattered every bone in your despicable body, you worthless piece of shit!"

Oh dear lord, this is getting out of hand.

"I think it's time we leave," I assert in a commanding tone, slipping my heels back on. Harvey drapes an arm around my shoulder, and I exchange farewells with Criss before stealing one final glance at Kayden. With a heavy sigh, I step into the backseat of the car and close my eyes, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

"Ms. Scott's building." I hear my assistant informing the driver.

"I'll drive to work tomorrow," I inform both of them before stepping out of the car and making my way towards the building's entrance. The receptionist greets me with a smile, and I acknowledge her with a small nod. Stepping into the elevator, a familiar housekeeping staff member presses the button for my floor, 50, knowing my regular destination.

I step out of the elevator and make my way through the dimly lit hallway of my condo, heading straight to the kitchen. It seems that nanny Mary forgot to turn on the lights, but I don't pay much attention to it. I quickly grab a glass of water and gulp it down in one go, quenching my thirst.

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