Chapter Thirty Nine

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I hope now you know that real men can't be stolen.

I was back in my office working on a Saturday, just a few days before Thanksgiving

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I was back in my office working on a Saturday, just a few days before Thanksgiving. I had got this new overseas client with whom I had to go through some certain documents.

The whole month of October went peacefully as I spend most of the time in my work and Kayden, who was extremely busy too but made sure I had time for him and Scout. Over the month I had also increased communication with Chel on phone calls and video calls, she was very excited that I've a adopted such a cute puppy.

Whereas Scout has grown more taller and built dog but he still was a puppy. I take him for a jog every morning with me except when I had early morning meetings. He loved running in the park and playing with Ivy or Gus on the beach though he wasn't exactly a fan of water.

After a while of working I unlocked my phone to see a message by Kayden:
I'm at work btw, have some meeting with client will be over by lunch break. Ti Amo

Aye aye captain.

I've started calling him, Kaybear since he is my big cuddle bear, we spend most of the nights together at either of our penthouse cuddling or making love and one funny thing of the next morning after making love was that Scout would stay away from both us until we've bathed.

Or he would stay away for the whole day, sometimes I felt like laughing whereas sometimes I felt sad cause he would stay away. Once I got so frustrated that I took bath two times and scrubbed myself so hard that I got rashes on my sensitive skin.

Kayden had to take me to the skin doctor and get me a checked, the doctor gave a cream for that then I threatened him not to tell the media or he is losing his job. And that has been happening a lot lately, when we go shopping or some restaurant, someone or other spots us then I would've to threaten 'em. I would do since Kayden is a big softie towards the fans.

He continued uploading pics of mine but obviously we made sure not to leave a clue but this picture; where I was laying in Kayden's bed wearing his grey hoodie and covering my face with the blanket in a cute way but few locks of my dark blonde hair came into the camera. Everyone was ecstatic to know that she has blonde hair but luckily they didn't think that it was me.

I was surprised though, Kayden had left so obvious clues by mistake but no one guessed it. Not even when I posted pictures with Kayden on my account as a friend.

He is also releasing a new album, Yours for aye three days after Thanksgiving whereas he has released an single love all around and a collab song with Marshmallow, Broken Promises.

As for Thanksgiving I'm flying to my hometown with Kayden and Criss. Criss is joining us for thanksgiving because first; her parents are travelling around the world so they can't celebrate with Criss, I found that a little weird to be honest. Second; I had to force her.

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