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I keep my office bag on the couch then I open my cuffs, "Oli! Scout!" I call out hoping either of walk into the living room but none did

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I keep my office bag on the couch then I open my cuffs, "Oli! Scout!" I call out hoping either of walk into the living room but none did. I frowned and made my way deeper into our house.

It's been nine months since we both got married and shifted into our new house, and to say that our lives are good would be an understatement, it's amazing. Both of us work 9-5 schedule five days a week then relax over the night and weekend. And despite nine months since our wedding we're still the hot talks of media.

I open the door of our room to find it empty, I frown, according to Oli's message she said she is already home. I check every room in the house then make my way towards the backyard. And that's where I find Scout standing in all his glory with a bag hanging from his mouth, "Hey Scout, where's your mom?"

He just wagged his tail, I moved closer and got on my knees then took the bag from his mouth, I eyed the contents inside it. After removing the box from the bag I opened it to find a note and pregnancy test stick with two lines. My eyes widened as I read the note which said, 'hi dad! I can't wait to meet you.' With a red heart.

I looked at Scout with an open mouth whereas he barked and licked my face, "Scout, Is Oli really-"

"Yes I'm." I hear a voice say behind me as I stood up and turned to face her who had a soft smile playing on her beautiful face. "Shocked?"

I didn't reply just stood there with an open mouth looking at her, I have millions of emotions and thoughts running through me and I don't know which one to express in front of her. I was feeling happy, ecstatic, shocked, scared, nervous etc.

"Are you Okay? You're not happy?" She asked almost looking teared up, maybe her hormones were kicking in. I had noticed the changes in her like mood swings, her constant nauseousness past two weeks but assumed it to be work stress. I hadn't thought she is already pregnant, not that I don't want this baby. I'm just scared, we just got married and now we're starting a family which happens to be unplanned for instance.

We did talk about starting a family but we hadn't decided to start one immediately after our wedding. Oh boy.

Instead of replying to her I stride towards then pick her by her knees, she yelped and kept both her hands on my shoulders. I spun her around while she started laughing and I grinned. Among those millions feelings, I feel happy the most. Happy that we're having a child together, happy that she is gonna give me a princess.

I personally want a daughter.

"I'm sooooooooo happy Oli." I let her down before her head starts spinning and she feels like vomiting. I hug tightly squishing her against my body while she mumbles something against my chest, "I can't describe the feeling I'm feeling right now Love."


"How far are you?"

"I don't know. Gotta visit a gynaecologist for that." I gave her the deadpan look.

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