Chapter Thirty Three

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you give me the feeling I can't put it into words.

I sat with Cristine by my side as the models walked on ramp walk and we did extra cheers for Melina, Ashley and Madge

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I sat with Cristine by my side as the models walked on ramp walk and we did extra cheers for Melina, Ashley and Madge. "Wasn't Madge looking beautiful?" Criss whispered asked me.

I nodded, "she indeed is," then we continued whispering to and froth about the dresses and the models.

When Kayden walked down we both sneaked a glance at each other while I winked, he grinned and let me tell you he looked good in the khaki shorts and sleeveless T-shirt, it made his biceps bulge out.

When the show ended we both decided to interact with bunch of people we knew very well like Theoden and Nash. Theoden is here because his wife was walking on the ramp tonight and he is very famous business man too. Nash was here since he is dating with one of the male models. It was like the whole gang was here except few people.

I stood with Criss, Nash and Theoden while we waited for the rest to come after changing. We all made small talks as I introduced Criss to Nash since Criss already knows Theoden. I knew the young woman was disappointed to know that Nash is gay and Theoden is married, I knew she found both of them hot though Nash was more on cute terms than hot.

Harvey and Kayden were the first one to come as I felt Criss stiffen beside me, I wonder why was it like that. I had noticed the occasional glances from Harvey into Criss direction whereas the latter was continually ignoring him, not even meeting his eyes.

I gotta talk to her.

"You guys were awesome up there," I praised them.

"Thank you sis," Harvey kissed my forehead.

"You both are related? Surnames different..." Nash trailed off.

"He is my cousin from mom's side. People often mistake us for real siblings or two of us in a relationship."

"Ah yes! Now I remember the scandal of you both."

I nodded and move slightly closer to Kayden, "you looked hot in that outfit."

He smirked, "I'll make sure to wear it sometime." I grinned and we all continued conversing then a young man with blonde hair and light stubble kissed Nash's cheek. His boyfriend who modelled tonight.

"Everyone I would like you to meet my boyfriend Easton Adison."

I shook hands while introducing myself politely. By the way he was speaking it seemed like he is English.

Then Ashley and Madge came to me and Criss and I introduced them to the men. But then I noticed that Melina wasn't here.

"Where's Melina?" I asked and Theoden turned toward me who was looking around maybe looking for her.

"Uh I don't know. She left before us," Ash said. I looked at Theoden with furrowed eyebrows and he looked at me with worried expression.

We nodded towards each other and excused ourselves, we together started walking towards the backstage, "I think it's same people." I say.

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