Chapter Fifty

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It's you,
Because no one else
makes sense

My feet padded softly against the marble floor as I tried to keep my movements as smooth as possible

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My feet padded softly against the marble floor as I tried to keep my movements as smooth as possible. When I reached the elevator I quickly pressed the button as it opened and I stepped in pressing the button for the top floor.

I nibbled on my lower lip looking at the digits as it went up, then it pinged & opened. My face was immediately hit with cold air blowing while I wrapped my arms around myself hoping to keep myself warmer. After taking my place on one of the cushioned seating, I unlocked my phone to check time.

Only one minute until midnight.

I exhaled a shaky breath and looked at the tall skyscrapers which had few lights one along with the small red twinkling light placed on top of the skyscrapers. I sighed at the beautiful sight.

I looked down at my phone and saw that it was midnight, I immediately video called Kayden with a huge smile on my face. Soon a wide eyed & surprised Kayden popped on my phone's screen.

"Many many happy returns of the day, Kaybear!" I Exclaimed, "I love you so fucking much."

'Thank you so much my love. I love you too.' he said, 'where are you? That doesn't look like your suite.'

I chuckled, "cause I'm not there, I'm at the rooftop garden." I saw him moving as I heard some voice from the other side, "the girls wouldn't let me call you so I sneaked out. What's going on there?"

'Just a second!' I rolled my eyes as he went on mute & continued talking to someone then he started moving again, 'at last,' he closed the door behind him & propped himself on the bed, 'so what's up? How did you manage to sneak out?'

I shrugged, "It's wasn't hard. I got them all drunk, well all except Astrid & Melina." He laughed, "but you know those two, they happily obliged to help me sneak out. How's everything going over there?"

He groaned, 'ugh! Don't even ask. This seriously isn't a bachelorette party. How can it be when you've babies here & even dogs! Ok I understand that Theoden and Theodore are on baby duties but then suddenly others felt like babies are more entertaining-'

I cut him off by laughing hysterically, "that's one hell of a bachelorette party bae."

He shook his head but cracked a grin anyways, 'what about you? Something interesting happening over there? Any naked dance or naked pillow fight or nak-'

"Why is everything associated to naked in your question?" He opened his mouth to answer but I didn't let him, "You know what, I don't even wanna know. You guys have weird sense of humour."

He raised an eyebrow, "Jeez Yeah I'm answering," I rolled my eyes, "Nothing happened where we got naked okay? But, we'll danced and Criss had even called some creepy dude for strip dance, which by the way was horrible. He was more like a funny dude then sexy."

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