Chapter Twenty Four

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Four years ago

I found myself encircled by stacks of open books, their pages sprawled haphazardly around me

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I found myself encircled by stacks of open books, their pages sprawled haphazardly around me. Lying flat on my stomach atop the soft carpet, I absentmindedly nibbled on the eraser end of my pencil. Determination surged through me as I strained to commit the paragraphs before me to memory.

Why on earth are exams even conducted? It feels like they're intentionally disrupting our peace. I swear, those in charge seem oblivious to the true meaning of tranquility!

"I'm heading out," I heard Mel's voice, prompting me to turn my head and take in her appearance from head to toe. She sported an oversized hoodie paired with loose-fitting jeans. It seemed like she had an affinity for baggy attire. "Wishing you the best of luck for tomorrow," she added with a warm smile.

"Thanks," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "Same old timing?" I inquired, to which she simply nodded before making her exit. A sigh escaped my lips as I contemplated the situation. Tomorrow we had an important exam, yet she was off to her shift at the restaurant outside campus. I couldn't blame her for prioritizing work, but a part of me wished she would take some much-needed time off.

A short while later, a knock interrupted my thoughts, causing a frown to crease my brow. I had explicitly informed those individuals that I had no intention of attending the frat party tonight, yet here they were, persistently seeking my participation.

I rose from my seat, taking a moment to adjust and straighten Kayden's hoodie that I had borrowed, partly to conceal my excessively long legs. "I already told you, I'm not going to the frat—" I abruptly halted my sentence as I caught sight of the unexpected visitor standing at the door.

"Oh, Kayden! Hi!" I greeted him with a warm smile, though my eyes revealed my underlying confusion as they scanned him from head to toe. "Please come in! What brings you here?" I asked, eager to understand the reason behind his unexpected visit.

"Oh! Well... I, uh... just wanted to see you," he stammered, avoiding direct eye contact. My eyebrows furrowed as I pondered his peculiar behavior, wondering why he seemed so uneasy. "So, you were planning to attend the frat party..." he trailed off.

That doesn't seem like a question to me... or does it?

"What? No, absolutely not," I chuckled, shaking my head. "I have an exam tomorrow, so attending a frat party is out of the question. I wouldn't even dream of it. I assumed it might be some of my fellow cheerleaders trying to convince me otherwise."

"Oh, I see," he murmured, his gaze wandering around my disheveled dorm room. "It looks like you're truly immersed in exam preparation."

What is that suppose to mean?

"Kayden, is everything okay?" I finally mustered the courage to inquire, concern lacing my words. "You're acting quite differently."

"Am I really?" He abruptly turned to face me, his eyes now filled with anger. "And if there is something wrong, why don't you just tell me? Furthermore, what's the date today?" His words came out sharply, snapping at me, and leaving me utterly shocked and taken aback.

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