Chapter Eleven

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It's okay to dislike someone or even dislike someone with no reason.
But it's not okay to disrespect,
degrade and humiliate that person.

As I walked into the company building, the customary greetings and respectful bows from my employees filled the air

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As I walked into the company building, the customary greetings and respectful bows from my employees filled the air. However, I was not in the mood to acknowledge the pleasantries. It wasn't as if something specific had triggered my mood; it was simply my natural disposition when interacting with my employees. While I might not openly admit it, I tend to maintain a certain level of distance and formality in my professional interactions, keeping a focused and serious demeanor.

After riding the private elevator to my office floor, I acknowledge my secretary with a brief smile before entering my cabin and settling into my seat. Switching on my Macbook, I prepare to dive into the day's tasks and responsibilities. A knock on my office door interrupts my focus, and I invite the person to enter with a simple, "Come in."

Amos, my assistant, greets me with a cheerful "Good morning." I offer a nod in response and promptly inquire about my schedule for the day. As he hands me my morning coffee, Amos proceeds to provide an overview of my agenda.

Absently sipping the coffee, I interject with a question, "Has the publicist arrived yet?"

"Yes ma'am," Amos acknowledges my instructions.

"Please bring in the publicist as requested, and also ensure to confirm the readiness of the financial accounting department with the monthly report. If they have it prepared, arrange a meeting for me in my available time slots today," I state with a sense of purpose and authority.

"You may take your leave," I affirm. With a slight bow, Amos exits the room to attend to his assigned tasks. After a brief pause, a knock on the door captures my attention, prompting me to grant permission for the individual outside to enter, ready to address the next matter at hand.

A charming brunette with captivating green eyes and a height of approximately 5'4" enters my office. She presents herself with a slight bow and greets me in a respectful manner, "Good morning, ma'am. I'm Theresa Ross, your new publicist."

"Good morning, Ms. Ross," I respond with a professional tone. Gesturing towards the seat across from me, I invite her to take a seat. Observing her cautious movements and the way she avoids direct eye contact, I sense a hint of nervousness or perhaps an inclination to maintain a certain level of formality. Nonetheless, I remain composed and ready to engage in our conversation.

I allow a smile to grace my face, finding amusement in Theresa's demeanor. As she settles into her seat, I proceed to address her, making it clear that this won't be a formal interview, as I have already reviewed her file and found it impressive. Acknowledging that it is her first day, I explain her initial task: uploading pictures on my Instagram from my friend's wedding. However, I emphasize the importance of personally confirming with me before making any uploads, as it will help her familiarize herself with my preferences and preferences. I also remind her of the rules in place, warning of potential consequences if they are violated, assuring her that she wouldn't appreciate them.

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