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Third Book Of The Broken Series
Has Now Officially Began!

Third Book Of The Broken SeriesHas Now Officially Began!

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Two Vows
Two individuals
One promises, one confides.


Right from the start, she had my full attention, but there was a mysterious aura about her that made every move feel like a chess game.

Even with all my riches and tools, I couldn't crack the code of her hidden world.

I just couldn't.

Melina Lightfoot is the name she goes by in public, a renowned director and model known for her confidence and radiant smile. But that's just a facade. Deep down, she's a fragile woman who's always looking over her shoulder, afraid of what might be lurking in the shadows.

As for me, I'm Theoden Marshall, the CEO of Blaze Entertainment & Marshall Soft Tech. I'm known for being ruthless when it comes to protecting my loved ones, but when it comes to her, I feel like I'm failing.

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