Chapter Twenty Seven

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At the edge of the sky
There's a moon hanging high
When you're lost
It'll try to remind you

Got a pretty girl and she love me long timeWine it, wine it, she love me long timeOh, yeah, very long time

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Got a pretty girl and she love me long time
Wine it, wine it, she love me long time
Oh, yeah, very long time

Back up, back up, back up, and wine am
Back up, back up, and wine am, girl, just
Back up, back up, back up, and wine am
Oh, yeah, very long time
Back, up, back up and wine am, girl

With the music blaring from my Harman Cardon speakers, playing "One Dance" by Drake, I couldn't resist the temptation to dance. The infectious rhythm filled the room as I moved my legs forward and backward, grooving to the beat. Twirling and swaying around the living room, I let the music guide my every step. The energy in the room heightened as I lost myself in the joy of dancing, temporarily forgetting about the outside world.

That's why I need a one dance
Got a Hennessy in my hand
One more time 'fore I go
Higher powers taking a hold on me

I need a one dance
Got a Hennessy in my hand
One more time 'fore I go
Higher powers taking a hold on me

As I continued dancing in my long hoodie, completely absorbed in the music, I was oblivious to the ringing of the intercom or the sound of the elevator opening. My room, thankfully, was soundproof, allowing me to fully enjoy the music without disturbing Scout, who was peacefully sleeping in my room.

My attention shifted as I moved closer to the window and caught a glimpse of someone's reflection standing inside my house. Startled, I quickly turned around, only to find Kayden Gabriel McCoy standing there. "Jeez, you gave me a heartache," I exclaimed, placing a hand over my racing heart. He gestured that he couldn't hear me due to the music, prompting me to pick up my phone and swiftly stop the music.

As I made my way to the kitchen, trying to avoid eye contact with Kayden, I felt a lingering sense of embarrassment. It was hard not to blush as he complimented me, finding my embarrassment endearing. Seeking some relief, I reached for a bottle of water and gulped it down in one go, hoping it would cool down my flushed face.

Cutting through the tension, Kayden spoke up, waving a bag in his hands. "Date time!" he announced, his voice filled with excitement.

"What?" I replied, caught off guard by his sudden declaration.

"I made these," he continued, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. "I just need to check your wine cellar, and voila!" I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"It's all yours," I said, motioning towards the kitchen as I settled onto a barstool. Kayden began his preparations, taking out a tiffin box and placing it in the microwave. He then retrieved some fancy plates from the cabinet, gracefully moving around my kitchen.

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