Chapter Sixteen

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A day without laughter is a day wasted.

"I look forward to such good presentations in the future too, Mr

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"I look forward to such good presentations in the future too, Mr. Thomas," I responded with a polite smile, reciprocating his gratitude. As I shook hands with the seasoned client, I couldn't help but notice his distinguished appearance, a testament to his years of experience and wisdom.

Knowing that he was a retired individual who still remained involved in his family business, I admired his dedication and commitment. It was evident that he valued his work and took pride in maintaining the success of the business that had been passed down to his son.

With our handshake marking the end of our meeting, I expressed my appreciation once again before parting ways, leaving with a sense of satisfaction in fostering a positive working relationship with Mr. Thomas.

"Well, I will send you the invitation, but I would prefer to extend a personal invitation to you. It's my 25th wedding anniversary, and I have organized a celebration here at the Stewart Hotel. I would be delighted if you could attend."

"Oh!" I smiled warmly, genuinely touched by the invitation. "I would be honored to join you and celebrate your 25th wedding anniversary, Mr. Thomas. Thank you for including me in this special occasion."

We exchanged pleasantries, and I assured him that I would eagerly await the invitation and mark the date in my calendar. It was a gesture that showcased the trust and rapport we had built during our professional interactions, transcending the boundaries of business and establishing a more personal connection.

I felt a sense of privilege to be invited to such an important milestone in his life, and I made a mental note to prepare a suitable gift to commemorate the occasion.

Exiting the conference room alongside Amos, I engaged in a conversation with him about arranging a bouquet and canceling any remaining meetings for the day. Lost in our discussion, I suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out, "Who is this, Ms. Scott?" Startled, I turned around to find Kayden standing there, his arms folded across his chest and an eyebrow raised inquisitively.

I clear my throat, eager to introduce my PA, Amos Saper, to Kayden McCoy. "Mr. McCoy, meet Amos Saper, my PA. Amos, this is Kayden McCoy."

To my surprise, Amos' expression instantly changed from curiosity to awe as he recognized Kayden McCoy. Kayden appeared taken aback by Amos' enthusiastic praise, who couldn't contain his admiration for Kayden's songs and lyrics.

Chuckling inwardly, I watched as Amos nervously requested Kayden's autograph, passing his notepad to the musician. Kayden, slightly overwhelmed but gracious, nodded and signed the notepad, obliging Amos' request.

As the interaction unfolded, I couldn't help but find amusement in the situation, trying my best to stifle my laughter as I observed Kayden's slightly bewildered expression.

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