Chapter Forty Three

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Feeling loved by you,
my favourite feeling

"Sorry Kaybear but I really need to go on this trip

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"Sorry Kaybear but I really need to go on this trip." I whispered to him softly while giving him wet kisses on cheek. I need to fly to New York for three days tomorrow, the same day as Kayden's album gets released.

"It's not fair Oli, my new album is getting released tomorrow. I need you here, with me." He moved away from me towards the other end of the couch. I sighed.

We had just returned to Los Angeles and were chilling in my penthouse when my assistant called to inform me about the extremely urgent meeting. I was need to fly tomorrow and stay there to clear the matter which wasn't capable of being handled by manager.

I need to fire him. I told myself while I nippled on my lower lip angrily.

"Kayden please understand." I tried to convince him again, "you, Anyways, won't be able to be with me so what's the difference?"

"Seriously?" His voice turned hard and hurt, "you seriously can't be saying that Skylar." Ok this isn't good. He called my Skylar instead of Oli or love. Big trouble.

"Kayden please." I make puppy dog eyes but it doesn't work, "Just this once, I promise to do anything to make it up to you."

He doesn't reply, "you sure want to let that offer slide?" I try sugar coating him, "me, Skylar Olivia Scott is giving you that chance Kayden, don't let it slide."

"Fine," he snapped at me making my jaw dropped, "I'll make you to feel you guilty."

"I'm already guilty Kaybear," I sighed sadly, "but this is really important, If I don't go I would lose millions just because of a mistake made by that stupid manager."

"Okay. What time are you leaving? And what about Scout?"

"Around 7 am. And about that... can you please take Scout with you?"

"Yeah no problem, it would be great to spend some alone time with my baby." I glare at him while he snickers, I get up then lean closer to his face our nose almost touching while my eyes look at him in a threatening way.

"He is my baby. No one else's."

"I know Love. I'm just teasing ya, don't go all possessive mom on me." He kisses my nose and pulls me on his lap by my waist. I yelp I'm surprise and glare at him, "you need to reduce your glaring otherwise your face will be like that forever."

I scoff, "that's absurd."

I woke up with a jerk as my alarm blasts in my ears, I groan and run my hand over my face

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I woke up with a jerk as my alarm blasts in my ears, I groan and run my hand over my face. Then get up and notice that Kayden is not by my side, I frown. I remember cuddling with him last night.

I pick up my phone to notice a note stick on it, Good morning love,
check your bed side.

I immediately turn towards my bed side as my jaw drops looking what he kept, I picked it up carefully then read the another note, wanted you to have the first edition. 'Cus you're special and I love ya.

I smiled then took in the appearance of his cover photo on his Yours For Aye Limited Clear Vinyl w/ Foldout Poster And Yours For Aye Package CD w/ Limited Collectible Card Pack inside.

He had given me his first ever edition of the album!

I was about to open the pack but then I remembered that I need to get ready for the flight so I put the two editions in my office bag hoping to get time to hear them in my house in New York.

Yes, I own a house in New York to be specific in Noho neighbourhood, Manhattan. I was never more proud while buying it.

I take a quick shower then get dressed into a cream colour polo neck jumper and trousers then put it's matching full length coat in my suitcase. It would be cold in New York since December is gonna start soon.

I exit my room and make my towards the kitchen as I notice that I aren't seen Scout since I woke up, I get confused first then I understand Kayden took my baby with him. I smile and pour myself cornflakes. After finishing my quick breakfast I exit my condo and make my way towards the lobby where my driver is waiting for me.

"Hey, How was you day?" I ask Kayden while I keep the keep the phone on the stand and start removing utensils to make instant noodles

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"Hey, How was you day?" I ask Kayden while I keep the keep the phone on the stand and start removing utensils to make instant noodles.

'Ama- one minute,' he paused as I stood up looking at him in confusion through my screen, 'are you listening to my new album?'

I smirked, "you got me. It's maybe the fifth time today. I somehow downloaded your album before boarding and listened to whole of it through out my flight and now I'm listening to it on my turntable."

'You've a turntable in your suite?'

"Huh? No?" My eyebrows furrowed, "I'm not living in a hotel Kaybear. I own a house here."

'Oh... and where in New York?'

"Noho neighbourhood Manhattan."

'Damn woman, you got some big something in your account.'

I laugh, "that... I definitely do." I was proud of the billions in my account, it was earned from my hard work and not through some dirty work. I may like some illegal stuff like car racing but I don't entertain it much and don't do bribes or anything against the law work.

"We're diverting, so how do you feel? Your album can out out.. after a long time."

'I feel refreshing and proud since my fans are happy. And according to my company I would be on top 50 of Billboard by tomorrow.'

"I'm vouching for that Mr. singer," I stir the noddles a bit then lean against the slab to come to the screen, "so... we're gonna attend another award show it seems."

He smirked, 'Yeah, which one this time? AMAs or billboards again?'

I chuckle, "both maybe, you're amazing enough to nominate in both and others."

'Why thank you.' He bowed as I grinned, 'and and and, I heard that the result for the top most grossing company of the year is coming out tomorrow.'

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that." I said nodding my head, "I hope Scott enterprises come first this year too."

'Don't worry you'll.' For two years in a row, my company has been announced as the top most grossing company of the year so on this occasion we throw a company party and give bonus to my employees. I'm not bragging but I'm a good boss.

Insert grins here.


This book is gonna come to an end in few more chapters! Are you excited or sad?

I can say both, since I love Sky and Kay too much to finish their story but I'm excited write the upcoming books in unparalleled series!

You guys wanna guess whose is next?

Keep smiling beautiful ppl!

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