Chapter Thirty Six

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Baby, the best part of me is you Lately,
everything's making sense too
Oh, baby, I'm so in love with you.

Baby, the best part of me is you Lately, everything's making sense too Oh, baby, I'm so in love with you

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"Ah, it's so peaceful!" I said stretching my stiff limps, "I wish we could stay here forever,"

"Yeah same, but Los Angeles needs us back," I laughed at his words then sat on the chair beside him, we both were sitting out at the wooden deck outside the cabin enjoying the woods getting darker and colder with the sunset.

"I-I've a Question," Kayden said whereas I nodded, "Do you see us together after, let's say, three years?"

I sat down stunned by the question and started to think, do I see myself with Kayden after three years? Yes.

Images flashes in front of me where Kayden & I were running behind a three year old girl who has blue eyes like Kayden's and dark blonde hair. Kayden & I kept calling out for her but she kept laughing and running around the big house. Then suddenly a big German Shepard appeared and the little girl took her place on his back and he dashed towards the back lawn.

"Hello?" Fingers snapped in front of me as I got pulled from my day dream, "what were you thinking?"

"Ah, nothing nothing. Well, I think I do see us."

"I-I, Uh, Okay." My eyebrows farrow noticing how weird he is behaving and the weird question then hands keeping on digging his pockets.

"Are you fine?" I ask keeping my hand on his shoulder, "you're acting weird."

"Weird? No, no I ain't. I'm totally fine. Actually I'm great right now..." he continues rambling while I roll my eyes, he rambles when he is nervous.

"Kayden!" I call him then he stops, "you're rambling. And you ramble when you're nervous what is it?"

"Uh, Nothing?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Seriously, it's nothing."

"Okay, I believe you," I take his hand and kiss the back of it, "wanna head in now? It's dark now." He nodded and stepped in then together started making dinner. Kayden was the chef and I was his assistant, after making dinner we both decided to soak in the tub before eating.

Kayden kept doing naughty stuff in the tub so I got out early but that didn't stop him, he continued till we started eating dinner.

"Oh and when are your parents coming?"

"Two days days before the press conference that is Wednesday. And I think Mr. Scott is coming too."

I stop mid, as the spoon was gonna enter my mouth, "what?" I shrieked.

"Shit I wasn't supposed to say that," he mumbled to himself, "fuck fuck fuck fuck,"

"Kayden Gabriel McCoy explain right now," I said in my calm intimidating tone while he gulped and sweat started to collect on his forehead.

"I-I-I am s-s-sorry," he started to stammer like hell, "it w-was supposed to be a s-suprise for y-you."

I got up from my stool and stalked towards him then grabbed his jaw and leaned closer to his face, "now you would hide anything from me?" I asked while she shook his head vigoursly against my fingers, "are you hiding anything else?"

I raise an eyebrow whereas he hesitated then shook his head, "fine, I believe ya," I kiss his forehead and get back to my dinner like this conversation never happened.

I know Kayden is lying when I asked him if he was hiding anything else, but I didn't press on it because I don't wanna the boss in our relationship and I trust Kayden; I know he won't cheat or do something that will hurt me. I need to stop using my intimidating tone on him; but it's fun using it.


After dinner Kayden was extremely quiet and I let him, though I wasn't habitual to quiet Kayden. I kept thinking how to cheer him up while stroking Scout's fur. Then I got up and made my way towards the bedroom, removed my portable speaker from the duffel bag then walked out of the cabin towards the lounge where Kayden was sitting fiddling a small box.

As if He sensed my presence he kept the box into his pocket and turned toward me, "why are you here? It's cold."

"I could ask you the same question," I shrugged then connected the speaker to my phone and played Best part of me by Ed Sheeren.

I put my hand forward towards him, he looks at it for while then his palms connects mine, I pull him up and wrap my arm around his neck while he wraps his arms around my lower back, I snuggled my face into the crook of his love and started to sway to the song.

"My lungs are black, my heart is pure
My hands are scarred from nights before
And my hair is thin and falling out of all the wrong places
I am a little insecure

My eyes are crossed, but they're still blue
I bite my nails and tell the truth
I go from thin to overweight, day to day, I fluctuate
My skin is ink, but faded, too" I sing along with Ed while Kayden remains quiet, I know he will join me soon.

I opened my mouth to song the next chorus but Kayden beat it to me, "But she loves me, she loves me
Why the hell she love me
When she could have anyone else?

Oh, you love me, you love me
Why the hell do you love me?
'Cause I don't even love myself"

"Baby, the best part of me is you
Lately, everything's making sense too
Oh, baby, I'm so in love with you" we both sang together. I whispered an I love you too while he captured my lips with his own.


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