Chapter Six

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We're just strangers with some memories.

With my focus fixed on the road ahead, I proceeded to drive towards Theoden's office building where the meeting, involving himself, Melina, and Kayden, would take place

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With my focus fixed on the road ahead, I proceeded to drive towards Theoden's office building where the meeting, involving himself, Melina, and Kayden, would take place.

A few days ago, I reached out to Melina and shared the details of mine and Theoden's plans before Theoden could approach their manager. While I expected her to decline, to my surprise, she agreed, revealing that her movie project had hit a roadblock due to issues with the producer. I felt a sense of satisfaction upon hearing her agreement.

Later, Theoden contacted me to inform that Melina and Kayden had agreed, and the meeting was scheduled for today, which happened to be a Friday. Realizing that I was dressed in an informal outfit, I felt slightly uncomfortable, knowing that Marshall Co. didn't have a strict dress code. I anticipated some scrutiny from others, but deep down, I didn't really care about their judgment.

I'm actually habitual to the judgment now.

I had implemented a rule in the company that allowed employees to wear informal yet appropriate attire on Fridays. Embracing this policy, I chose to wear high-waisted black jeans, a white and black shirt with the top three buttons undone, revealing a black bralette. To complete the outfit, I added a dark green blazer and opted for plain black high heels.

As I exited the car, I made my way towards the lobby, only to find Mr. James still absent. Frustration welled up within me, and I clenched my teeth in irritation. Walking towards the elevator, I couldn't help but despise the lack of punctuality in people. Mr. James, being the head of the marketing department, was supposed to accompany me for the meeting, and his tardiness was highly inconvenient.

While waiting for the elevator, I noticed someone standing beside me. Turning my gaze discreetly, I realized it was Kayden and Hendrix. Not wanting them to catch me looking at them, I swiftly turned my attention back to the elevator doors. As soon as the doors opened, I walked straight inside and pressed the button for the desired floor, with Kayden and Hendrix following closely behind me.

I pressed the open button of the elevator upon hearing someone shouting, and to my exasperation, it was Mr. James rushing in like a man possessed. Suppressing the urge to snap at him, I gritted my teeth and listened as he began to apologize profusely. "Oh my god, Ms. Scott. I'm terribly sorry for being late. You know there was a lot of traffic—it's Los Angeles, after all—"

"I didn't ask for an explanation, Mr. James," I snapped, my tone curt and devoid of any warmth, while purposely avoiding eye contact with him.

"Oh, yes, yes, I understand," Mr. James replied, his voice filled with contrition. The frustration within me intensified, and I silently vowed to give him a piece of my mind later. I turned my gaze towards him, shooting him a stern glare that made him avert his eyes to the floor in embarrassment. In that moment, I caught a glimpse of Kayden attempting to conceal a smile.

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