Chapter Ten

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I still find myself hoping about us to become we could have been.

"Has Theo arrived yet?" Astrid anxiously inquired for what seemed like the umpteenth time, while the makeup artist diligently worked on perfecting her face and hair

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"Has Theo arrived yet?" Astrid anxiously inquired for what seemed like the umpteenth time, while the makeup artist diligently worked on perfecting her face and hair.

"I spoke to the best man, and he assured me that they will be here in just five minutes," I reassured Astrid, attempting to pacify the bride-to-be, who was clearly a bundle of nerves.

"You don't think Theo is going to run away, do you? Oh God, I'm so nervous! What if he doesn't love me anymore? Or worse, what if he decides to divorce me after just a few months?" Astrid's words tumbled out in a torrent of worry, leaving her visibly anxious. I glanced at the bridesmaids, hoping for some assistance in calming her down.

This girl is gonna get married today and she is thinking about divorce.

"Gosh stop rambling. Don't worry if he Theo runs away, we will catch him then kick his hairy ass and if he divorces you we will kill him then hide his body." Criss jokes but it only made Astrid more worried as she started pacing around while her wedding gown swept behind her.

Expressing frustration, I let out a groan and proposed a solution, suggesting that we should have Astrid talk to Theo on the phone instead. It seemed that even Theo himself was feeling overwhelmed, as Braxton had mentioned.

The suggestion was met with unanimous agreement from the ladies, who exclaimed their approval. I swiftly dialed Braxton's number and requested him to pass the phone to Theo. As I handed my phone to Astrid, she eagerly took the call. Observing her during the conversation, we could visibly see her begin to relax. However, despite this apparent improvement, we all understood that Astrid's underlying anxiety was still present, continuing to unsettle her.

We can't blame her though. She is getting married today.

"I've never witnessed Astrid in such a state of distress before," Criss whispered to me, expressing surprise at her current demeanor. I nodded in agreement, acknowledging that among the three of us, Astrid was typically the most composed and collected. I admitted that I had a tendency to become aggressive when provoked excessively, while Criss had a tendency to display random bouts of aggression. We recognized the stark contrast in Astrid's behavior compared to our own usual dispositions.

As Mr. Briton entered the room, he announced that it was time to proceed. We quickly gathered around the mirrors, double-checking our appearances before the grand entrance. The bridesmaids went ahead, followed by myself, serving as the maid of honor. The adorable flower girl, who happened to be Astrid's cousin sister, came after me. I stole a glance at the groom, noticing his attempt to maintain composure and suppress any signs of panic. Chuckling softly to myself, I positioned myself in front of the bridesmaids, ready to lead the way down the aisle.

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