Chapter Thirty Eight

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I'm not arguing,
I'm simply explaining why I'm right.

"I'm so nervous," I jump on my heels trying to relax myself as I wait in the backstage while everyone arrives

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"I'm so nervous," I jump on my heels trying to relax myself as I wait in the backstage while everyone arrives.

"Don't worry you'll do a great job," Oli tried to calm me, she ran her hand down my arms while whispering soothing words into my ears, "just maintain your posture and answer the questions with confidence and honesty."

"Thanks Oli." She nodded as she straightened my dark blue blazer and pecked my cheeks making sure taht no one noticed it.

"Okay, Mr. McCoy you're up in five minutes," some lady with microphone attached to her ear and a clipboard in her hand informed my dad. He nodded as they handed both of us wireless mic.

"Okay, you're up." Dad stepped on the stage as press cheered. He talked about various things like his tiring, company plans etc.

"I know that all of you have noticed my elder son, Kayden been training under various successful CEOs to take over my position. And now I'm very confident and happy to announce that my son is ready to take over the company. I would like to welcome the new CEO of the company upon the stage."

I take a deep breath and put on smile then walk toward the stage. I keep reminding myself that I ain't a singer here, a buisness man.

No informal language Kayden. Only formal.

"Good morning everyone. I'm Kayden McCoy the new CEO of DKM Entertainment. I know many of you have questions for me, so please ask away." I said with my hands in my pant pocket as my eyes scanned the crowd and settled on my woman who was trying to contain her smile.

"Yes, I've a question for ya," one of them said as I nodded my head, "is there any particular reason why you're taking over this position?"

"Oh definitely there is, as you can notice my dad, here, has reached his retirement age and I want him to free him from the duties and devote his entire attention to my mom."

"True, she has been complaining about it a lot lately." My dad with a laugh as I joined him. "Do you have any news plans or changes for the company?"

"Deals? Yes, but not changes inside the company. The way my dad has handled everything till now, I'll be continuing that."

"Well, do you really think you'll be able to keep the company at the top? I mean you don't a particular degree in business."

"You really don't need to worry if I'll be able to handle the company or not. And for you information, I've been trained under very successful leaders and according to them I'm capable, so I don't think you're in a place to resent their conclusion."

I just didn't say that! Wow, man I've my way with the words!

"Those very powerful words sir, is there a particular someone's encouragement behind it?" One of them asked while others laughed, I chuckled with them.

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