Chapter Twenty

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A smile is happiness; you'll find right under your nose

A smile is happiness; you'll find right under your nose

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We were all aboard my jet, heading back to Los Angeles. At the moment, the four of us were in my room, engaged in a lively argument about which movie to watch. Melina and I were in favor of watching the Disney movie Mulan, while the two other males insisted on watching Marvel's Loki.

Despite being in our mid-twenties, we were arguing like kids, passionately defending our choices of movies. It seemed that both Disney and Marvel held a timeless appeal, even for adults.

"Marvel is all about action and battles!" Melina argued, and I nodded in agreement.

"And Disney is all about sappy romance!" Theoden chimed in, but his comment received a disapproving look from Kayden. He knew that Theoden's statement might have been uncalled for.

We both gasped in shock at Theoden's comment. "You can't be serious!" I exclaimed.

"Uh..." Theoden turned towards Kayden, seeking confirmation. "Did I say something wrong?" Kayden nodded slowly, his lips tightly pressed together.

"Get out of the room!" Melina shouted, her anger evident. Theoden's face paled, realizing the gravity of his mistake.

"Aren't you going a little to far now?" I whispered Melina but she glared at me so I remained quiet.

Damn. That girl knows how to glare.

"You better take back that sentence right now or else..." Melina warned, her voice filled with determination. Theoden, however, crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow defiantly, showing no signs of backing down.

Damn boy, just accept it!

I glanced over at Kayden, noticing the fear in his eyes due to the escalating argument. Thankfully, he caught my gaze, and I motioned for him to follow me towards the door. He nodded in understanding, and we quietly slipped away while the others were absorbed in their heated exchange. I couldn't help but hope that Theoden wouldn't leave her; she deserved to experience love and support.

"Those two argue like an old married couple!" Kayden exclaimed, reflecting my thoughts.

"I was thinking the same thing," I chuckled, settling myself in one of the seats. I pulled out my laptop, intending to go through my emails and distract myself from the tension in the room.

"Seriously? You are gonna work now?"

"Yep, work's important."

"Yeah, but it can be given a break too." He shrugged, "hey! You wanna write a song with me? I'm thinking of a new single on friendship."

"Don't you already have a lot in your plate?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but writing songs helps me relax my mind."

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