Chapter Nine

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One should not attend even the end of the world without a good breakfast

I wake up with the sunlight streaming through the windows, causing my eyes to squint

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I wake up with the sunlight streaming through the windows, causing my eyes to squint. As I attempt to sit up, a throbbing pain in my head reminds me of the previous night's escapades. I let out a groan and slowly adjust to the light, taking in my surroundings. It dawns on me that I am in someone else's bedroom, and I quickly scan the room. My initial concern turns to relief as I realize that, although I'm only wearing a black hoodie, I am still wearing my undergarments.

I sigh in relief but does not mean that I did not sleep with someone.

Fuck. Where am I?

Feeling a sense of urgency, I stumble out of bed and make my way towards the door, clutching my head to alleviate the throbbing pain. The sound of utensils clinking reaches my ears, heightening my alertness. In a state of caution, I quickly scan the room for a potential weapon and spot a nearby vase. Without much thought, I grab hold of it, ready to defend myself if necessary, and cautiously open the door to investigate the source of the noise.

Please let it be some good person. Please let it be some good person.

With each step, I try to remain as quiet as possible, hoping to approach the kitchen unnoticed. My heart beats faster, and I continue to repeat my hopeful mantra, wishing for a good person. As I reach the entrance to the kitchen, I peek around the corner, trying to get a glimpse of who might be inside.

As I observe the shirtless figure from a distance, a sense of familiarity washes over me. The platinum hair and the small heart tattoo on the lower back trigger a memory, but my pounding headache makes it difficult to recall. Curiosity takes over, and I inch closer, trying to get a better view without being noticed.

As I catch a glimpse of his tattoo and recall my own ink. The memories associated with my tattoos flood back, each one representing a unique meaning or moment in my life. The black devil and angel wings on my lower abdomen symbolize the eternal struggle between good and evil within myself.

While the butterfly on my left inner elbow represents my transformation and growth. And of course, the infinite symbol on the side of my right middle finger signifies endless love I would have for him.

I'm thinking of getting another tattoo on my ankle but I just don't know what to get.

Lost in my ruminations about my tattoos, I failed to perceive the presence of the enigmatic figure until I heard their voice break through my thoughts. "Ah, so you're finally awake. Good morning, Liv," they greeted me.

Confusion furrowed my brows as I directed my attention towards the source of the voice, realizing that it was none other than Kayden. I made a conscious effort to gather my thoughts and confirmed that it was indeed Mr. Kayden McCoy standing before me.

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