Chapter Twenty Two

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I love when I'm the reason behind your smile and you're the reason I'm so happy.

It has been nearly a week since Kayden began his training here, and he has been an exceptionally dedicated and professional individual

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It has been nearly a week since Kayden began his training here, and he has been an exceptionally dedicated and professional individual. I had initially expected that he might take advantage of this opportunity to get closer to me, but he has maintained a strictly professional demeanor, causing me to question whether he had truly moved on.

Deep down, I always had a lingering belief that he still harbored feelings for me, but now even that certainty was wavering. His focus at work was solely on his training, and he had even formed a friendship with my publicist, which sparked a tinge of jealousy within me.

Although I must admit, it's not hard to understand why others are drawn to Theresa, given her warm and pleasant personality. And it wasn't just her that made me feel envious; I found myself feeling uneasy whenever any female employee flirted with or attempted to seduce Kayden. However, to my relief, Kayden remained unaffected by their advances and maintained a friendly demeanor with everyone.

And you might've guess, my employees were truly ecstatic to know that Kayden is a intern here. Yes, I introduced him as the intern here though he still used my private parking lot & lift. I didn't say anything to that, I was completely fine by it.

"Ma'am, there is a call from Harvey Campbell," my secretary informed me through the intercom.

"Put him through," I replied, wondering why Harvey didn't call me on my personal number.

"Hey Harry," I greeted him, "why didn't you call me on my personal line?"

'Hey, it went straight to voicemail,' he explained.

"That's odd. Anyway, what's up?"

'I'm actually adopting a golden retriever, and I want you to come with me tomorrow to the farm where I'm getting him.'

"That's wonderful news! But why do you need me there?"

'Because I'm nervous! I'm about to bring a living being into my life, for goodness' sake!'

I chuckled, "Don't worry, Harry. Just take a deep breath and relax. I'll come with you. Pick me up at 9 am?"

'Sure, be ready by 9 am.'

"Deal. See you then! Bye!" I hung up the phone, a smile on my face. I couldn't believe Harry was adopting a puppy. It would be a great opportunity for Scout to explore and meet a new furry friend. Speaking of Scout, I realized how much he had grown. He now looked like an 8-week-old pup. Taking him along tomorrow would be a delightful adventure for both of them.

I had put in a lot of effort to ensure Scout's health and well-being, making sure he got plenty of exercise and a balanced diet. He had become comfortable being at home even when I wasn't around, thanks to the training and attention I had given him. However, I still had the Furbo dog camera set up to keep an eye on him.

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