Chapter Twenty Nine

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A friend is who overlooks your broken fences and admires your garden.

"I'm getting married," the lady in front of me revealed, her words causing me to freeze momentarily

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"I'm getting married," the lady in front of me revealed, her words causing me to freeze momentarily. As she continued, her voice trembling with urgency, she explained, "I have no other choice, Sky. They found me, and they—"

I interrupted her, seeking clarification, "With whom?"

Her confusion was evident as she responded, "Huh? Uh, with Theoden."

Understanding the situation, I sighed and reached out, taking her trembling hand in mine. "Regardless of the circumstances, whatever decision you make, I want you to know that I'm here for you. Okay?" I reassured her, offering my unwavering support.

Melina's revelation about her troubled past and the imminent danger she faced left me deeply concerned. It was clear that her safety was at stake, and if Theoden was willing to step up and protect her, I fully trusted his dedication and capabilities. Whatever had occurred that led them to this decision, it must have been significant and dire.

As Melina continued to explain the gravity of their situation, it became apparent that a mere facade of a marriage would not be sufficient. They needed to commit to a genuine marriage with vows, forsaking any secrecy. This meant their union would become public knowledge, leading to media attention and the subsequent spread of rumors.

The weight of the decision and the sacrifices they were making for Melina's protection weighed heavily on me. However, I understood the necessity of their actions and resolved to support them in any way I could during this challenging time.

"When are you getting married?" I inquired, taken aback by the urgency of the situation.

"Within two weeks," Melina replied, her voice filled with a mix of determination and slight apprehension.

"What?!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my surprise. "That's very little time to arrange everything."

Melina reassured me, "Theoden assured me that he will take care of all the arrangements. The designer should be arriving any minute now."

I nodded, understanding that they had a tight timeline to work with. Melina then turned to me with a hopeful expression, "Will you be my maid of honor?"

A genuine smile formed on my face as I replied, "Yes, of course! I'll be honored to stand by your side." We embraced tightly, feeling the strength of our bond in that moment.

Just then, Melina's assistant or manager entered the room with an elegantly dressed lady, who introduced herself as the designer. Without wasting any time, the designer dove into her work, discussing designs and taking measurements, including my own for the maid of honor dress. The preparations were in full swing, leaving us with a whirlwind of anticipation for the upcoming wedding.

I strolled back to my car and decided to take Scout for a walk. Putting on a cap, I hopped into the driver's seat and headed towards the SD common park, which happened to be owned by my company.

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