Chapter Thirty Two

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I love you right up to the moon and back.

"Oli slow down!" He screamed while gripping the car door handle tightly

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"Oli slow down!" He screamed while gripping the car door handle tightly. But I kept on ignoring him and touched 202mph. The feeling was great.

I took a sharp turn and started to decrease the speed as I saw the cliff coming I t the view. Then I pressed the break and my Maserati came to a stop.

"Damn girl, I take it back when I say I love it when you drive," Kayden says keeping a hand over his heart, "you almost gave me a heart attack!"

I chuckle, "you're so dramatic sometimes." I press the button to remove the top roof remove my shoes and stand on my seat. I look over the cliff feeling the cool wind. Today Kayden and I decided to take a long drive in my Maserati So here I was driving fast and Kayden screaming like dying cat. Yesterday we spend the day watching movie then making love so I was shy the whole day.

Ugh! I hate that side of mine.

Tomorrow is Monday I've a lot of work, for instance documentation for Nash & mine contract. I obviously agreed to it only telling his and signing the contract is left. Then we both would look for a big property that my company would would buy and blah blah blah.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked him.

"You're," I gave him a bored look. He just winked and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"You're gonna be there for the announcement right?" He asked and I nodded happily. I knew what announcement he meant it was about announcing him the new CEO of DKM Entertainment. I'm so excited for it, though I don't show that.

"I've an idea, give me your hand," he said as I gave my hand to him then he made make a half heart, he pulled out his phone then made an half with with left attaching to it while the sea shone with sun rays.

He clicked a photo then told me to lean upon the windshield while covering my face with my hair and my hair with a beanie. He clicked a photo of that too then started type something.

"What are you doing?" I ask while he shows me his index finger saying one minute. Then he handed me his photo and I noticed that he had uploaded the pictures on Instagram with caption: Long drive with my love.

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, "there is gonna be a lot of fuss now,"

"Yeah, especially negative ones," my smile disappeared, "I'm sorry I-I did-"

"It's Okay baby. It's in the past now," he gave me a small smile and pecked my lips, "now focus on this beautiful woman beside you and the scenery," he chuckled and nodded.

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