Chapter Thirty

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I'm 99% angel,
but ohhh,
that 1%.


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"Mr. Stewart, what do I owe this pleasure?" I ask while shaking hands with him. He had requested my assistant to make a meeting with me a few days ago so today he is here.

"Well, for business," he said grinning, "I want to do business with you Ms. Scott."

I thought we're joking that day but I didn't know that he took it seriously. Do I really want to do business with him?


"Ah! Okay, have a seat," we immediately got into business as he explained everything and we discussed what our respective parts would be. And to say that the deal won't bring profit to my company would be an understatement.

"Mr. Stewart as much as the deal sounds tempting I need time to think and discuss."

"Of course, I wouldn't expect you to answer me right away," we shook hands, "I hope to see you soon Ms. Scott."

"Same here,"

"Ah! And, I got to know that you and Kayden are finally dating," I smiled, "I ship you both so congratulations."

"Thank you Nash," I said, "And I think you know that Theoden is married. Too bad you didn't get a chance," I teased him.

He frowned, "yes! too bad! But no worries there are more hot and handsome men waiting for me!" I laughed then send him off. I sat back on my chair and started to work.

A month has passed from Melina's weddings and I make sure to keep an track on her. But so far, to my relief, everything has been perfect even the normal bickering between the two.

And everything between me and Kayden are perfect. We even managed to keep ourselves out of the media's scrutinising eyes. We would sneak into each other pent house in the middle of the night to surprise each other, majorly it would be me and I manage to get him everytime.

So in the end it been two months since we started dating again and I'm extremely happy even my employees noticed that and started to get loose. So I brought my cold myself back in the office and made sure not to let anyone loose and work hard with me.

When my work was done for the I switched off my laptop and made my way towards the parking lot then drive away with my Maserati. Since it is a Friday today, I decided to hit the club with Criss and Melina.

It's been long since I met Criss and Criss's favourite place is a bar so we're heading there. Whereas for Melina, Criss & I practically forced her to come with us. She need to be relax and this was the best way.

And only reason she agreed was when I promised that I won't get drunk and be by her side all the time. So I'm on the call tonight. Sad luck for me.

But also a good luck, since my drinking has considerly increased, which I don't want.

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