Chapter Eighteen

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Don't start what you can't finish.

As I wake up to the piercing rays of sunlight, a throbbing headache greets me

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As I wake up to the piercing rays of sunlight, a throbbing headache greets me. I let out a groan and slowly sit up, cradling my head in my hands. The world feels hazy as I make my way towards the bathroom, my footsteps heavy and sluggish. I lazily grab my toothbrush and start brushing, the bristles against my teeth providing a slight sense of freshness.

Once I finish brushing, I raise my eyes to the mirror, expecting to see a smudged mess of makeup on my face. To my surprise, my reflection reveals a makeup-free canvas. Confusion creases my brow as I scan the room, and that's when I notice the discarded makeup remover in the trash. It dawns on me that someone must have kindly taken the time to remove my makeup. Melina is the first person who comes to mind.

I can't help but frown, mixed emotions swirling within me. On one hand, I'm grateful for Melina's thoughtful gesture. On the other hand, I wonder how I ended up in such a state last night that I needed assistance with my makeup. Memories of the previous evening remain fragmented, the details lost in a haze of alcohol-induced fog.

I quickly discard the long hoodie I was wearing and step into the refreshing stream of the shower, letting out a sigh of relief as the hot water cascades over my body. The steam begins to fill the air, adding a soothing ambiance to the bathroom. Although the shower brings some relief, my head still feels heavy with a lingering ache.

Once I finish showering, I wrap myself in a fluffy towel and proceed to get dressed. Opting for comfort, I slip into a white tube top and a pair of shorts. I tie my hair up in a high ponytail and slip on my white trainers. With my essentials – key, phone, sunglasses, and cap – in hand, I step out of the suite, ready for the day of shooting ahead.

Navigating through the hotel, I step into the elevator and press the button for the dining room. As I wait, my phone starts ringing, and I quickly check the caller ID, recognizing the name of my private investigator. Answering the call, I greet them, "Good morning."

After exchanging pleasantries, I waste no time in getting to the matter at hand. "Any news on Lewis?"

Regrettably, the investigator's response brings disappointment. "Sorry, ma'am, but he seems to have vanished without a trace. We've been monitoring his financial transactions, but we haven't been able to locate him. His phone is switched off, and there haven't been any card activities either. We've initiated physical searches, but it doesn't seem promising."

"Damn it!" I mutter under my breath, frustration evident in my voice. "I don't care how, just find him!"

The investigator stammers out a response, assuring me that they will continue their efforts. Ending the call, I stomp into the dining room, my anger palpable. Spotting the others gathered at a table, I carry my plate towards them and sit beside Melina, angrily gulping down my coffee. The confused looks from those around me go unnoticed as I focus on my meal, my frustration fueling my appetite.

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