Chapter Thirty Seven

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No matter how far we come,
our parents are always in us.

"I just couldn't do it, okay!" I said frustratedly while pacing around my living as Nash and Easton sat cuddled up on my couch

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"I just couldn't do it, okay!" I said frustratedly while pacing around my living as Nash and Easton sat cuddled up on my couch.

"I think the appropriate word be chickened out," Nash commented while Easton snickered, I stopped pacing Nd glared at him, "but seriously McCoy, why did you chicken out? Everything was so perfectly set and planned!"

"I don't know! Maybe it was because Oli became all intimidating on me,"

"Oh put-lease, she can't be that scary,"

"Why do you think the media Industry is so scared of her?" I deadpanned.

"That's true," Easton says with his thick English accent, "you can see it in her eyes, the intimidating beam. And her aura, oh man, it's so scary, sometimes I feel like I'll suffocate."

I frown, "what the fuck are you speaking? Aura? Suffocate?" I asked, "Are you crazy?"

"I'm just stating what I felt being around her."

"You've only met her once." I replied.

"We're going off track people," Nash said in a bored tone, "now you gotta formulate something new lover boy."

"Don't call me that!"

"I'll call you-"

"Kayden! Nash!" We all turned towards the elevator from where the voice came from, my parents stood there with a huge smile while their driver was holding their suitcase.

"mom! Dad!" I immediately talked towards them and engulfed mom in a bear hug.

"Oh I missed you so much!" She gushed while patting my back.

"Are you forgetting this old man?" I heard my dad say.

"Oh come on! Join us Dev," my mom said sweetly then dad joined us in the bear hug.

"Oh me too! Me too!" I heard Nash said as we were crushed with one more body.

Nash has always see my mother as the motherly figure and my mother as one of her own sons. His mother passed away when he was at a very Young age and never knew who his father is, so he grew up in an orphanage. When he met mom he instantly felt a connection and hence Nash is like a son to her. Hence he is like my brother too.

"You got yourself a boyfriend!" Mom said pulling Nash's ear, "I should've been the first one to know,"

"Ow Ow Ow, Sorry Mom." Nash apologised and yeah, Nash calls mom, mom.

"Oh! where are My manners," she lets go of his ear and puts her hand forward, "hello, I'm Gabriella McCoy,"

"Easton Anderson ma'am," Easton shook his hand.

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