Chapter Twelve

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Warning: small chapter

Attraction is only only intense when mystery is involved.

I step out of my car, greeted by a swarm of paparazzi who eagerly surround me, their cameras flashing incessantly

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I step out of my car, greeted by a swarm of paparazzi who eagerly surround me, their cameras flashing incessantly. With a calm and composed expression, I keep my face neutral behind the protection of my sunglasses. Ignoring their persistent calls and questions, I make my way towards the towering building that houses my company, determined to focus on the tasks at hand.

"Kayden! Is it true that you're gonna be the next CEO of DKM Entertainment?"

"Kayden! Why are you training for the post?"

"Are you quitting yourself from music industry?"

Despite the persistent and curious paparazzi, I remain stoic and maintain my silence, not engaging in their barrage of questions. As I enter the lobby, the crowd shifts, and a new wave of fans approaches, requesting autographs and photos. The vigilant bodyguards swiftly create a barrier, allowing me a path to the elevator. I offer a polite smile to the fans, signing a few autographs and posing for quick pictures before stepping into the elevator, finally finding a moment of respite.

It has been a month since I embarked on my intensive training for the position of deputy CEO. While I am aware that I will not be the actual CEO, I am fully committed to this endeavor, driven by my dedication to Declan. However, to my dismay, news of my training has reached the ears of the paparazzi, leading them to gather outside the company building, eager to capture any glimpse of my progress.

I approach my father's office and gently knock on the door before entering. Inside, I see my dad engaged in a conversation with an individual dressed in formal attire. As they both turn their attention towards me, my dad warmly greets me, "Oh, son! You're here."

"Good morning, Dad and Theoden," I greet them with a smile and extend my hand to shake Theoden's.

"You both know each other?" Dad asked surprised.

I nodded, "I'm modeling for Theoden's and Oli-Skylar's collaboration project advertisement."

"Oh," he went silent upon hearing Oli's name. "Anyways, starting today, you will be trained under Theoden, as I will be returning home now. Theoden, you can begin his training whenever you want."

"Of course Mr. McCoy."

"Great. So now you both discuss. I have a meeting to attend," he said, getting up. "And Gab, you're going to attend the meeting with me, which is scheduled in an hour."

"Okay dad."

After he left, Theoden and I started discussing my training. Then he said something that surprised me, "According to me, you should experience training in every type of business, not only production. It will take time, but it will be helpful, like investing in a company and learning about everything. Your dad wants you to train from that perspective as well, because both businesses are very different. So, I think I will talk to Skylar too, to see if she can train you as well."

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