Chapter Thirty One

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Best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

I woke up with sun rays hitting my eyes, I tried to turn to avoid the rays but the arms and legs wrapped around me tightened

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I woke up with sun rays hitting my eyes, I tried to turn to avoid the rays but the arms and legs wrapped around me tightened. I smiled and slowly turned as she stirred in sleep and buried her face deeper into my bare chest. I tightened my arms around her waist and snuggled my face in her soft hair, which smelled like vanilla.

First time in four years I was happy waking beside a woman, because she is my Oli. All these years I used one night stands for distraction but now... I was truly happy. We've taken a step ahead in our relationship and I'm ecstatic to take more with time.

It's been a month since I was done training with Oli and now I was under Theoden. According to him I would be ready to take over within a month so my family would be flying here in two weeks and I would be announced as the new CEO of the DKM Entertainment. Though my actual position is deputy CEO, no one except the board of directors and dad know that.

The sleeping beauty beside me stirred and detached her from me, she without knowing pulled the comforter to her chest and laid straight while her swollen lips parted slightly and the hickeys I placed on her neck came into view. That reminded how she dominating she was last night, she liked being in control just like four years ago.

Were my hickeys visible too?

I laid on the side and propped myself on my elbows looking at her, I hardly to get to see her peaceful face just like I hardly get to see her sleeping face. She majorly had that cold expression in office while a smile with me. Atleast she smiled with me.

"Mmm," she made a noise and smiled in her sleep.

How has she not woken up yet?

On the cue her eyes opened slowly adjusting to the sun rays. I remained silent as she yawned then sat up straight stretching her arms while I got the perfect view of her flawless back. It seemed like she has forgotten that she is in my bed and, especially, naked. Thinking about that I let out a chuckle which made her realise.

Damn it!

She looked down and noticed the comforter around her waist, Oli immediately pulled it to her neck and looked at me which wide eyes, "what the fuck?"

"Good morning to you too, love," I said ignoring her cussing as I kept looking at her face which had turned into a deep shade of pink.


The only time I get to make her shy is after making love or talking about it. Otherwise she is the badass as she usually is. Seems like we need to do that more often. I wondered and I don't mind that at all, I get to see her shy after all and many more things.

Add coughs here ladies and gentlemen.

"Kayden Look away," she shied away.

"Why? It's not like I haven't seen anything last night,"

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