Chapter Forty

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If I'm with you, I'm completely yours.
My loyalty will never change

I was in cabin attending the meeting with my oversees client when my assistant walked in without knocking

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I was in cabin attending the meeting with my oversees client when my assistant walked in without knocking. I stopped in a middle of a sentence looking at her in shock, I had told her there was no need to come to office today. Not only because it is a Saturday but I wanted to avoid her at any cost.

I looked up and down her outfit seeing how inappropriate it was for work, her shirt's first three buttons were opened showing her cleavage and her skirt reaching mid thigh and extremely tight. My jaw ticked but I refrained myself from snapping at her.

"Sorry Sir, I just wanted to inform that I've arrived." I frowned and nodded. She gave me her usaul seductive smile and went.

"Sorry for the disturbance, gentlemen. Where was I? Oh yes..." I resumed speaking.

When my meeting had come to an end I was relieved, I sulked back into my seat and sighed closing my eyes. I felt my hand brush against a small box, my eyes immediately flew open as I took it in my hand and rotated while thinking how I chickened out. But the truth was that I thought it was way to early and not the perfect timing.

My pinged as I picked up and saw Oli's message,

Aye aye captain.

Though it was only three simple words I smiled, she knows everything about me. Even the things I don't know about myself. Oli, without even realising lights my whole life, I was nothing without her. She is the lifeline I can't loose her.
I wanted the whole world to know that she is mine and I wanted to be more than her boyfriend.

With that I called Nash but he didn't pick up so I called him few more times and he picked the fourth time, 'what is it?' His first words after picking the call.

I chuckled, "what did I disturb you from?"


I rolled my eyes, "why is it that, I always disturb your intercourses?"

'I don't know, you tell me.' I could imagine him getting frustrated right now, 'now tell me what is it? Because I swear if it isn't important, I'm killing you.'

"Oh Nash, you love me too much to kill me." He didn't reply so I chuckled and got serious, "I need to buy a property."

And with that we talked for a while, decided everything like when to meet and which realtor we could contact. And most importantly why I want to buy this property.

After hanging up I got back to my work clearing the mails, excited to finish it before lunch break and visit my favourite puppy, Scout. But it seemed like the time had other plans for me.

After few minutes the door unbolted revealing my assistant I don't break my gaze from the screen and said, "how many times do I need to tell, that you're suppose to knock first."

When I didn't hear a reply I looked up to find her walking towards me with a smile which for sure was a seductive one.

Ugh! How irritating.

I so wanted to fire her the moment she started putting up the show but seeing how capable she is, in her work I didn't. I remained quiet looking at her walk closer, I frowned as she stood beside my chair then spun it. I was surprised how she even had the strength to do it.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked her, horrified.

"Shush," she placed her foot on my chair between my separated legs as my eyes widened and I opened my mouth to speak but then I heard, "oops, I'm disturbing something here, it seems."

Chills went through my spine as I realised who's voice it belonged to. I turned towards her only to notice her closing the door as she walked out. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion of her reaction.

And I started to burn in anger, I immediately pushed her away who was smirking looking at the door. I immediately stood up as she said, "what happened Kayden baby? Aren't you happy that she finally knows?"

Knows what? There is nothing between us to start with.

"Know what?"

"The chemistry between us? That we're made for each other."

She is a psycho.

"Get out!" I screamed at her as she flinched and tears started to brim her eyes. I looked away as she walked sniffing and I wasn't even 1% guilt and why should I after what she just did.

I paced around the room thinking what to say to Oli, how I would face her anger. Will she break up with me?

No no, she trusts me.

When I entered I was eyeing her movements as she kept the pizza pox on my desk and looked at me, I was surprised seeing her calm but I knew better than to trust expression so I searched her face for signs of anger she shows. But her eyes hadn't darken and her lower lip wasn't pressed against her upper lip.

She is really not angry.

Then I started to ramble, the thing I always do when I'm nervous and this time I was nervous what her reaction would be to the scene she saw today, though she is not angry.

When I was done I took a deep breath and looked at her with teary eyes. She stood up from my chair and kissed my tears, "I told you already, I trust you. I know you won't cheat on me, you love me too much to that Kaybear."

"You won't stop calling me that will you?" I asked in disbelief.

"Nop," She grinned as I pulled her in a very tight hug. "Can't... breathe." She tried to say as I immediately left her and looked at Oli with concern, "I'm fine, one tight hug won't kill me,"

I gave her the bored look then I remembered that I need to fire her right now.

"I need to fire her. I would return in a minute," I exited my cabin as my anger started to return. I saw my assistant sitting on her chair looking deep in thought while biting her lower lip. I banged my hand on the desk loudly making her jump in fright, she looked at me with puppy eyes.

"I knew you would return,"

"You're fired." I said coldly making sure not to show any emotion. "W-what?"

"I repeat, you're fired. Pack things Ms. Brooks, I don't want to see your face anywhere near me or my company. If I ever find you meddling into my business I won't hesitate to make your life miserable. Understood?"

She looked at me with shock, "b-but, we're made for each other-"

"Shut the fuck up and leave within 10 minutes or I'll call the security to throw you out." I turned away and walked back into office without sparing her a glance.

I was confused when I didn't see Oli inside but then I realised that she went to heat my favourite pizza. I spoiled our lunch break too.

I took my place on my chair and sighed, then Oli entered, "I brought your favourite by the way." She said trying to lighten the mood.

I gave her a smile as she kept the box in front of me then suddenly pulled her to my lap by her waist, she yelped in surprise. I wrapped my hands around her small waist with my head on her shoulder and I opened my mouth indicating her to feed me.

After eating the first bite I moaned, "mmm, it's yummy, thank you so much love."

"Anything for you."


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