Chapter Forty Five

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To loose you is my biggest fear.

I ran as fast as I can through the sidewalk towards her building only hoping that nothing has happened to her

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I ran as fast as I can through the sidewalk towards her building only hoping that nothing has happened to her. As soon as Oli had called I was scared especially when she told that she is stabbed. Who would stab her?

She has rivalries but they won't do it so poorly.

As soon as I arrived at the reception, I ran towards the elevator while shouting at the receptionist, "call 9-1-1." I pressed the elevator button multiple times as I heard the sirens behind me. I didn't get time to look behind as the doors opened and I dashed in pressing the 50th floor.

As soon as the elevator opened I looked around & frowned, this doesn't look like a place where she is stabbed.

Then a howl surrounded the house as I recognised it of Scout, I immediately ran towards the source which happens to be her bedroom. Please be okay, please be okay.

The scene in front of me sent a shiver down my spine, Oli was lying unconscious by the glass windows while she had a blanket pressed to her stomach which was stained with blood whereas as Scout was still howling and the intruder was tied.

"Arabella?" I stated though it sounded like a question. She turned towards me but my attention was diverted towards Scout who was whimpering looking at me. I immediately ran to Oli's side taking her unconscious body in my arms.

"Skylar?" I patted her cheeks & shook her hoping that she would be wake up, I kept a hand on her stab wound as the blood started cover my palm, "please wake up!"

"She won't," Arabella let out a maniacal laugh, "and now you'll love me, only me!" I didn't pay attention to her and kept shaking Oli.

"Hands in the air!" A firm voice said as I looked up to find an officer with his gun pointing towards me while Scout growled at him.

I raised one hand in the air & kept the other pressed against her wound, "Please she needs medical assistance immediately!"

"They are on their way, i need you to step away from her."

"I mean no harm, she needs medical assistance. She has been stabbed." I said more officers started to gathered around their guns pointing towards me.

"I'm saying this for the last time, step away from her or I'll shoot." This time I obliged and sat a few steps away from her while medical help immediately came to her but were stopped by Scout who growled & barred his teeth at them.

"Scout," I said quietly, "they only mean help boy," he whimpered and sat on my lap as we both saw the medical help placing Oli on the stretcher while they were pressing a cloth on her wound.

As soon as the officers untied the leash around Arabella, she tried to run as Scout growled and the officers caught her & had her handcuffed behind her back. I got & started to follow the paramedics but an officer stopped me, "officer please, let me go with her." I plead.

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