Chapter Forty One

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Sometimes being a big sister is better than being a princess

With one hyper active dog and other of the complete opposite you can say that the flight to our hometown was

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With one hyper active dog and other of the complete opposite you can say that the flight to our hometown was... interesting.

Most of the time was spent trying to control both of the puppies as they kept getting restless in my private flight, and the whole journey I feared if they would poop on my expense carpet floor. Luckily they didn't.

Actually I didn't let them, hehe.

As the plan landed and we stepped out Criss exclaimed, "Ah finally! I'm free of these two love birds now!"

Kayden & I gave her a deadpan look then Criss and I made our way towards Dad's Genesis g90 with our pets as Kayden walked towards his family Mercedes Maybach. We all had to decided to go in different cars since all 5 of us won't fit in one car comfortably.

Inside the car all of three of them kept trying to distract me but I was still a nervous wreak. I continuesly feared what their reaction would be, though I had increased communication, though my broken heart is being mended I was still nervous.

As we neared the neighbourhood I saw the paparazzi waiting, i sulked back into my seat with a groan. Criss heard me and looked outside, then copied me and sulked back. Scout climbed in my lap and licked my face while I gave a small smile to him.

I scratch his ear as we pass the paparazzi who keep trying to click pictures of us but we ignored them. The car stopped as I took a deep breath and looked at the house carrying memories, I could hear Chel's late night cries as all of us would try to console her, the garage where dad would train me, where he would be training Chel now.

I get out and keep Scout on the ground and bite my lips, I can do this.

Criss is beside me in a minute as she wraps an arm around mine and smiles sweetly at me. She drags me as I don't have the power to. The door immediately opens and Chel runs out, I smile and open my arms but she jumps at Scout hugging his tightly then Gus jumps at her in a playful manner as I start frowning.

My own sister didn't care to look at me.

Mom steps out and pulls me in a tight hug, "oh, I missed you so much." She sighs in relief then takes a step behind and cups my face in her hands, "look at you, all grown up and independent."

I smile at her, "I missed you mother." Tears brim her eyes as I wipe it then she moves toward Criss and hugs her tightly taking Criss by surprise.

I smile and hug dad, "hey sweetheart, it's good to have you home."

"I know dad, I know."

We both detached as Chel lunged at me, with my quick reflexes I quickly caught her right hand then kick her shin sweeping her off feet. She fell down with a groan as the people around us groaned except dad who was smirking, "not fast enough sis."

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