Chapter Forty Six

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Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go 'til we're gone

Love can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go 'til we're gone

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Am I hallucinating?

"Don't worry, she will wake up soon," I hear some voices but couldn't see, everything was dark around me. It was almost like I was floating in a Black Sea where I wasn't able to moving at all nor able to speak.

No I ain't hallucinating, then why do I hear voices in the Black Sea? Something is definitely wrong with this place.

"Yeah I know, but it's been 15 hours, the doc had told that she would wake up in few hours. But not so long..." I think I know who's voice it is. Who is it? Who is it? Who is it?

I try to remember, jogging through my memory. The husky masculine voice... who does it belong to?

"Atleast freshen up,"

"No I won't leave till she wakes up." Kayden! It's my Kaybear!

But where is he? I can't see him.

Then the voices started to fade as everything started to get silent in the Black Sea.

No no no!

My eyes slowly adjusted to the white light while my ears witness pin drop silence except the beeping of the machine, I looked around to find myself in a

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My eyes slowly adjusted to the white light while my ears witness pin drop silence except the beeping of the machine, I looked around to find myself in a... hospital room?

Okay what happened?

I sighed as I tried to sit but the pain in my tummy & the pressure on my left hand didn't let me, I turned my head to find a familiar platinum hair with blonde at the roots while his eyes were closed & his mouth slightly parted.

How is he not drooling?

I smiled & slowly freed my hand from his grasp & ran it through his hair making him stir in his sleep then slowly opened his eyes as I was greeted with brought blue orbs, "Hey you awake. How are you feeling? shall I call the doctor-"

"Hey," I cut him off, I clear my throat trying to shake off the dryness in my throat, "water,"

"Right... right!" He stood up then handed me a glass of water, I frown looking up at him with expression, how-am-I-suppose - to - drink - while - lying - Down. "Shit, sorry," he grabbed the remote from the bed as it started coming to the sitting position. Then he brought the glass to my mouth as I gulped it down.

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