Chapter Forty Two

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Happiness looks gorgeous on you.

I wake up with mom stroking my platinum hair, "Good morning mom," I wish her while stretching my legs and arms a bit then sit straight up

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I wake up with mom stroking my platinum hair, "Good morning mom," I wish her while stretching my legs and arms a bit then sit straight up.

"Good morning Gab, did you sleep well?" Mom smiled at me as I nodded my head & returned her smile. "Good, by the way why didn't Nash come?"

"Because he flew over to England with Easton to celebrate with his family."

"Oh, I miss him though. Anyways freshen up, breakfast is ready," she said as I sighed then got off the bed.

After having a warm bath I decide to wear a polo neck jumper and ripped jeans then run my fingers through my dyed hair which were now starting to grow and returning back to their original ashe blonde.

I stepped out of my old room then descended down the stairs to find dad reading newspaper whereas mom was helping the housekeeping staff with the breakfast and Dec was nowhere in sight, I wished my dad good morning and asked where Dec is.

"He is the backyard. Maybe working on his muscles." I snicker and walk towards the backyard to find him, indeed, working on his muscles with a weight.

"For Chelsea?" I ask smirking at him and sit on the end of the stairs.


"Building body to impress Chelsea?"

"What? No!" He protested, "I'm jock Gab, I need to keep my body fit and not for Chelsea."

"Till when will you deny your feelings for her?" I asked unimpressed by him. He needs to stop beating around the bush and admit his feelings for her. It's evident since five years that he has been crushing on her. I was disappointed to hear that Chelsea had best friend zoned him.

Atleast it's not bro zone.

"I ain't denying, I-I just... don't wanna be in a relationship." He said with sigh while keeping the weights down and takes his place beside me, "I've more important things to do before getting myself into a relationship."

"Seriously?" I deadpanned, "don't tell me you haven't gone on a date yet."

"I've, I've but only with Chel that too a friendly one since I can't be a so called good boy I've a reputation to maintain. I've too many things on my shoulder Gab."

I sighed, "Okay fine, but don't take decision in hast and don't get late in claiming her. Plus don't ever break her heart she is precious to me as much as you are Dec." I patted his shoulder and got up.

" I patted his shoulder and got up

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