Chapter Thirty Four

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If not now then when?

"Go!" I threw his ball as Scout stared running immediately after the tennis ball

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"Go!" I threw his ball as Scout stared running immediately after the tennis ball. He ran back to me and gave the ball to me.

"Good boy," I scratched his ear, "paw?" I asked him putting my right hand in front of me, he kept his paw on my palm while I cooed at him. I stood up thinking of doing some exercise when I noticed paparazzi pretending to be disguised but it was clear they were following me.

I rolled my eyes and stretched my arms, did some warmups then started doing push ups as Scout started to stretch his limps too then licked my face and climbed upon my back. I grunted and fell on the grass, "get off you heavy heavy boy." He growled in reply, "Scout Scott, get off me."

He didn't listen while I tried to get up but damn that two months puppy is heavy even for me who can throw a person over her shoulder. I kept lying while trying to convince Scout which went in vail. Then my phone ringed I moved my hand and removed my phone from my pocket to see my receptionist name.

Who is there at my house now?

'Good morning, Mr. McCoy is here and let him in but I thought it would be appropriate to inform you.'

"Oh... ah, okay thanks." I hung up and frowned, "Scout we need to go, someone you like is at home." I didn't say Kayden's name since paparazzi was here. Scout immediately caught on and got off me.

Someone likes Kayden more than me it seems.

I got his leash attached then got into my Mustang and drove away. After reaching home we both immediately got into the elevator then into my penthouse calling his name while Scout barked.

"Up here!" I heard his voice as Scout running up the stairs as I followed him, we both found Kayden in my room with a suitcase on my bed and him in my wardrobe. Scout immediately ran to him and stood on his two back paw while Kayden bend in his knees and scratched his ears, "hi buddy,"

Scout barked and licked his cheek.

"What do you think you're doing Kayden Gabriel McCoy?" I was getting pissed at him. First of all he came when he came when I wasn't at home then started going through my stuff without me asking. So Fucking pissed.

"Whoa, don't be angry. I'm packing your clothes only for the weekend. We're going on a trip!" He exclaimed while I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned.

"What makes you think i'm going on trip?"

"Uh, um, cause, I-I said so?"

"No Kayden, I can't go. I've work."

"Oh my gosh. Don't give me that idiotic reason! It's a weekend for god's sake!" He tried to reason with me, "who works on weekends especially after working the whole week?"

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