Chapter Fourteen

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Shopping is my cardio.

"I'm sorry, little one, but I can't take you with me," I explained to the puppy as he continued tugging at the end of my pants

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"I'm sorry, little one, but I can't take you with me," I explained to the puppy as he continued tugging at the end of my pants. I glanced at the clock and realized I was running late for work. Unfortunately, bringing the puppy to the office wouldn't be appropriate, and his small size would likely spark rumors and gossip.

Feeling the puppy's persistent tugging at my pant leg and hearing his small bark-like sounds, I sighed in exasperation. Although I knew it wasn't ideal, his determination made it difficult for me to resist. Giving in to his plea, I picked him up and held him close.

"Alright, I'll take you with me, but there's a condition," I said firmly, looking into his innocent eyes. "You must remain absolutely quiet and still until I give you permission, understand?" I emphasized the importance of his cooperation, hoping he would comprehend the need for discretion during our outing.

Surprised by the puppy's response, I couldn't help but smile at his adorable gesture. "Deal," I chuckled, amazed by his unexpected understanding. I gently shook his paw, a small act that somehow solidified our agreement.

Realizing the time constraints, I quickly grabbed my essentials and made sure the puppy was secure in a comfortable carrier. With a mix of excitement and apprehension, I set off, hoping that our unconventional companionship would go unnoticed during my workday.

Leaving my condo and stepping into my Land Rover, I tried to maintain a composed and normal demeanor. However, to my surprise, the puppy sensed that there was no one around and cautiously poked his head out of the carrier, letting out a small bark to get my attention. His unexpected act filled me with laughter, lightening the mood as I continued driving, appreciating the delightful presence of my furry companion.

Upon arriving at the company building, I ensured that the puppy remained safely tucked inside the bag, impressed by his remarkable obedience without any formal training. I greeted my secretary and assistant with a warm smile, acknowledging their presence, and then requested them to join me in five minutes for a brief discussion.

Taking a seat in my office chair, I carefully placed the puppy on the table, his tail wagging happily in response. A smile formed on my face as my secretary and assistant knocked on the door and entered the room. Their eyes widened in surprise when they noticed the presence of the puppy on the table.

Before they could say anything, I immediately addressed the situation. "First and foremost, nobody should know about the puppy being here. I rescued him last night, and now he seems determined to stick by my side," I explained, emphasizing the need for discretion.

Turning to my assistant, Amos, I handed him my credit card and gave him instructions. "Amos, please go and purchase two bowls and a comfortable basket or bed for the puppy. We'll create a safe space for him here below my table."

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