Chapter Forty Eight

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I can't keep calm,
I'm going to be a godmother!

It's been over a few weeks since my family went back to my state and I couldn't be more at peace since my troublemaker sister and her 2

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It's been over a few weeks since my family went back to my state and I couldn't be more at peace since my troublemaker sister and her 2.0 meaning her bestfriend Declan went back.

That day they showed me the true colours of themselves, and trust me those aren't saints at all. Firstly they decided to prank my receptionist by putting a glitch in her computer. Chelsea made the receptionist go somewhere while Declan programmed a glitch or whatever so when she returned back & looked the computer which had CCTV footages, she freaked out.

Since whatever button she would click it would just open the recent tab she had visited which happened to be a porn site. But oh my god, it was worth laughing.

Secondly; they decided to mess up with my living room & play pillow fight when I was on an important conference call. They even entered my room and started jumping on my bed while I glared and ordered them to get down but let's just say that they didn't listen.

The main thing was that I didn't know that they messed with my living room till Kaybear, his parents & our parents returned back home. And to say I was furious would be an understatement.

I don't really believe that those two are 15 years old, to be honest.

I broke out of my thoughts when my phone started to ring, 'The baby is coming,' the other person on the line said before I could even say hello. Shock took place on my face as I wasn't able to comprehend words.

"I-I'm coming." I hang up the call and run my fingers over my face. It was only few days before Christmas as Theo called and just said four words which got me shocked and excited at the same time. Astrid's in labour.

I had threatened Theo to call me while she is labour and not after the baby comes into the world, I don't know why I did that honestly. Maybe because I'm the godmother of the child.

I huffed and immediately got up from my chair then took my office bag and dialed Kayden's number. 'Hey love,'

"Hi, Astrid is in labour." I exited my cabin and turned towards Amos, "just a sec," I excused Kayden.

"Amos, I want you to cancel all of my meetings for the day and tomorrow. Also get my jet ready to New York, I'll fly within an hour."

"Yes ma'am." He nodded and I immediately start walking away.

'You're flying there?'

"Of course. I'm the godmother, I need to be there for both of them."

'Okay, I'm coming too,'

"You sure?"

'Yeah, I wanna see the baby too,' I chuckled and agreed the cut the call and text Criss, she immediately replies if she can fly with me. I agreed and told her to be read within an hour.

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