Chapter Five

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Do not underestimate me, my dear.
I can transition from sophistication to streetwise in a mere 2.5 seconds.

As I walk towards the elevator, my gaze fixed on the iPad in my hands, Amos trails behind me, providing a detailed account of the alleged scandal involving my cousin

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As I walk towards the elevator, my gaze fixed on the iPad in my hands, Amos trails behind me, providing a detailed account of the alleged scandal involving my cousin.

I examined the photos that were featured in the article. One captured the moment when Harvey had his arm draped around my shoulder as he escorted me to my car. Another showed his hand placed gently on my lower back as he introduced me to his friends. There was also a photo of us embracing, both of us wearing wide smiles.

Maybe that smile helped them rising the rumours. Fucking bastards.

"Amos, gather the heads of the marketing and HR departments and have them in my office within 5 minutes," I commanded, glancing at my smartwatch to check the time. "Start the countdown now." Without wasting a moment, Amos sprang into action, hurrying towards the emerald navy staircase while I waited for the elevator to arrive.

With my eyes fixed on the digital display, I anxiously chewed on my lower lip. As the elevator doors opened with a ding, I wasted no time and swiftly stepped out, barely acknowledging my secretary's greeting.

"Tracy, get in touch with Harvey and his manager," I instructed, my tone filled with urgency. "Find out what damage control measures they have planned. I want to be kept informed about every detail."

"Yes, ma'am," Tracy replied promptly, taking her seat and getting to work. Meanwhile, I continued my brisk stride towards my office, determined to handle the situation head-on.

I sank into my seat, letting out a weary sigh as I fixated my gaze on the intricately designed ceiling above me. Thoughts swirled in my mind as I contemplated the best course of action for damage control.

While I initially considered ignoring the scandal as I mentioned to Christine, I couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility as the CEO. This was my first major scandal since taking on the role, and ignoring it entirely might not be the wisest choice.

There was a gentle knock on my office door, and I looked up to see my secretary and assistant entering the room together. My secretary wasted no time and immediately began updating me on the damage control efforts initiated by Harvey. Apparently, he had posted a picture of us together, referring to me as his baby cousin sister. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at his approach, finding it somewhat cliché.

Content with the progress made by Harvey, I nodded in approval. Then, I turned my attention to Amos as he updated me on the current situation. "Thank you, Amos. Please send in the department heads and reschedule the meeting with Mr. Marshall for later this afternoon. I want to focus on addressing this scandal first," I instructed, my voice firm and determined.

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